Played it in Firefox and my mouse unlocked the first time I shot, so I couldn't rotate the camera. Reloaded the page and it happened again. Works in Chrome though, however if I press escape and unlock my cursor it can never be relocked unless I press escape again to pause and click resume. Maybe it's supposed to pause when you unlock your cursor?
Played the arcade mode for a bit, shooting the balls and seeing them fire a bullet that misses (because they were being rotated by my bullet) always felt super cool. Could not figure out how to get tokens, no screen indicator for how many I had, so I never bought anything and eventually died.
In the campaign I had to unlock my cursor for the computer cursor to work, so I guess the borked pausing came in handy.
I don't really understand why sprint has a limit and how long the cooldown duration is. The spaces are boring to walk through so sprint should just be on by default.
Tons of audio stuttering everywhere.
I kept holding LMB when I got the gravity gun and it kept shooting right after I picked something up, I thought it was a timed thing and was getting annoyed until I realized I can hold onto stuff if I only click instead of holding LMB.
I had no idea how to activate the B door, I tried putting the HL2 energy pack into the black holder thing to the right of the terminal, I tried putting it into the terminal itself. I gave up.