Game took about 40 seconds to start up and clicking on it made it go white as if it would crash.
I went to the options and unchecked TAA and it stuttered for ~10 seconds, rebuilding shaders I guess.
Toggling most options caused a stutter of 2-5 seconds.
Trying to type in the max FPS box did not work. Rather have buttons for each one or a notched slider if you won't let me enter my own value.
Controlling the tank felt pretty good, I feel like the head of the tank should counter-rotate faster than the body should be able to turn.
The first dozen times I shot stuttered like crazy.
Yeah the head rotating is way too slow compared to the arcade speed of the tank itself.
I don't really understand how the armor works, the tanks are around 32 pixels tall max from the distance they're introduced, there's no precise way to aim and target them at all.
I don't know if this is on purpose because I'm not a tank guy, but I feel like going reverse and turning should behave like a car. So going back and to the left should turn the rear-end of the tank to the left, instead of the right.
I think an improvement to the first-person view would be if instead of the aim cursor going back to the center while rotating (being world-space locked), it should instead just stay in place (screen-space) so I can rotate forever.
There's no screenshake or feedback for shooting/hitting anything, feels like that should be the main thing.
Oh I can RMB to zoom in first-person view.
It seems like the repair QTE is timed but the timer isn't visible? I failed a lot even though I was hitting the correct buttons, seems like it timed out? It'd be better if the buttons were randomized each time you failed.
The head turning is so slow I can't hit the infantry when driving by. They also continue to damage me in the next cutscene/tutorial text.
Died quickly in level 1, seemed a little too open and grid-like. Would like to see some more hilly terrain where you can go up and down and maneuver to obscure yourself.
The head rotation speed being so slow put a big damper on how much I believed I could win. It felt arbitrary instead of physical. Maybe some mechanical sounds would help if you really want to keep it.