I was unable to play the demo of this beautiful game(((
The game starts up, there is sound and the controls work, but the Godot logo pops up on the screen and nothing else.
This didn't help( I launch the game and see this. At the same time, if I press buttons, I can hear that the game is responding. I'm using Win10. I’m working in Godot 4.2 and haven’t encountered a similar problem before, but I can’t figure out what’s wrong. Anyway, thanks, I’ll be waiting for the game’s release.
Hm, that's so interesting! I'm running Godot 3.5 something. I'm sorry to hear this isn't working for you! So you don't see the Main Menu screen at all, just stuck on the splash screen?
I've made available an older version of the demo, titled glitchdungeoncrystal_2.2.0.zip, maybe that one works better? Otherwise I'm at a bit of a loss. If you run the .exe file from the command line, do you happen to see any error output or anything at all?
Yes, I can see it! I hear the sound of the jump, but the screen is still static. I didn't notice any errors on the command line.
Here's what I'm seeing https://ibb.co/DMXwR3M
Huh, that's just the splash screen for the old demo version, so I bet it's the same issue! I've never encountered this before, if you're interested, maybe we could schedule sometime I could send you a development build of the game project to see if you could run it on Godot not as an executable, and see if you see any error messages that way. Send me an email at jakeonaut@gmail.com.
Really sorry about this hassle, noone else on Windows has seemed to indicate a problem like this.