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(1 edit)

Thank you for the reply! I suspected that Holy was meant to work like Ultima, but it's good to have confirmation.

While I'm here - and now that I've had a chance to sit down and give the book a more thorough read-through - I have a few more questions to add to the pile:

  • Do Consumables start with limited charges, or are they always infinite use? The wording in the Character Creation section is somewhat unclear and initially seems to imply that there are charges, but never specifies how many you start with and then says a few pages later that there is no limit.
  • On a similar note, HP/Level and MP/Level state that they're the result of multiplication (and that Vitality less than 1 is treated as 1), but every instance of their respective formulas shows addition. What's the proper formula for these?
  • What happens if a character gets more Trained Skills than there are Skills available? (an Expert with +3 Mind can reach 7 Trained Skills, which is exactly the number available - and given one is automatically marked as an Origin skill, that means you can only reasonably train 6 of them.) Are the extra "training points" just lost?
  • The progression table mentions that you gain an "Ability Modifier Bonus" (AMB) at Level 1, which is not mentioned anywhere else in the character creation process. Is this in addition to the bonus from your Race, or is this the same bonus? On a similar note, I would assume that you're intended to put the four ASBs you gain from leveling up into different stats?
  • Am I correct in assuming that an Extra Effort Die is the same size as your Weapon Die? I've checked through the whole book and I don't believe the size of the die is ever specified. (Update: I was wrong, the effect of Pounce and Holy Judgment mention that Extra Effort is d4's by default. Strange that this information isn't in a readily accessible place, though...)

Apologies for the barrage of questions, the system looks very cool and I'm excited to give it a whirl! I've already got character concepts pouring out of my ears over here, which is a very good sign for a system like this...