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The snail looks awesome. I guess it's an ~evolved~ version of an ordinary snail?

I couldn't beat the game after 30+ tries. A few pointers to make it more fun and less frustrating:

- Let the player restart with the jump button instead of a mouse click

- Don't restart the music every time, just let it keep playing

- Make the jumps more fair - if it's too easy for you, it's probably the right difficulty for players

- Make the snail a slower so there's a little bit room for error, let the player survive a couple of mistakes

Anyway, congrats on finishing your first jam game! Keep learning and have fun with future jams!


Ohh those are all great points ty! i actually didnt know what to do with the music so i just made it start when the level starts

The first iterations of the level were so easy to do for me so i just had to up the difficulty cuz i thought people were gonna think it was waay to easy lol but ur right if it's easy for me then it's probably fine for other players