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A jam submission

SnailView game page

Submitted by iDreyk — 15 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
BEST USE OF AVATARS#212.0592.625

Ranked from 8 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Name of Team Leader
Elias Ramos

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Wow, that’s one angry snail! :D It’s a pretty challenging entry. Awesome job!


Thank you!! i appreciate you playing it!


I can't get past 6 seconds... I won't admit how many times I tried either :P

Great job getting your submission in! Love that you did this solo!


Thank you! i really appreciate that MrsSas!

HostSubmitted (1 edit) (+1)

Holy wow this is a hard platformer. I couldn't beat the game after quite a lot of attempts. I saw in the comments that this is your first gamejam so congrats!! It was fun and the visuals were nice, but just a little too difficult.  P.S. I saw you submitted 15 seconds before the deadline lol wow!! Congrats on getting it in on time.


Thank you! you have no idea how panicked i was trying to publish the game cuz i didnt know how posting the project worked, and i made it with 15 seconds left lol

But it was really fun and  i learned a LOT, so thank you for hosting this!


The snail looks awesome. I guess it's an ~evolved~ version of an ordinary snail?

I couldn't beat the game after 30+ tries. A few pointers to make it more fun and less frustrating:

- Let the player restart with the jump button instead of a mouse click

- Don't restart the music every time, just let it keep playing

- Make the jumps more fair - if it's too easy for you, it's probably the right difficulty for players

- Make the snail a slower so there's a little bit room for error, let the player survive a couple of mistakes

Anyway, congrats on finishing your first jam game! Keep learning and have fun with future jams!


Ohh those are all great points ty! i actually didnt know what to do with the music so i just made it start when the level starts

The first iterations of the level were so easy to do for me so i just had to up the difficulty cuz i thought people were gonna think it was waay to easy lol but ur right if it's easy for me then it's probably fine for other players


I played your game on stream if you wanna see my thoughts:


That was great!! thanks for all the feedback i really do apreciate it and i'll be taking it into account for future projects!

As you correctly assumed this was my first jam lol, with the little knowledge i've gathered this few weeks i just wanted to see how a game jam was like, and i learned a LOOOOT during it, it was rough but i tried my best! and i'll keep trying and hopefully learning more in the future aswell!

Again thanks for all the feedback and suggestions these will help me a ton! <3


You're very welcome.  Please make sure to try (and rate) our entry as well.


That snail is scary af! That's some hardcore platforming you got there, I had a great time playing it, good job!


I tried really hard making that snail because i suck at art lol, so thanks!


Very hard but fun to play, good job overall.
I also managed to get only 1 totem.


That's great to know! ty

I tried getting the best game feel i could with platforming


ahh I only managed to get one totem, but I tried!!


That is pretty good tho! they're all kinda tricky to get