Never played the monkey ball games so I won't be able to make any comparisons or notice any shared quirks.
There's a noise that plays when the player seems to take a few steps? It's pretty annoying honestly and should be reserved to maybe only when you bump into things.
The fixed 90 degree camera turns took some getting used to. I don't think it's all that bad as long as the level design relies on sharp 90 degree turns for its geometry. Going up the spiral staircase in the tutorial level was pretty painful with it though.
The game is pretty hard and I think it has more to do with dealing with the enemies than the level design. I actually think this game would benefit a lot more from having next to no enemies. The precision platforming is already really difficult on its own and interactions with the enemies feel a lot less deterministic than they should be (I swear the direction and strength they bump you away feels random).
Enemies can die when they're knocked only a tiny bit off the ledge but this only seems to happen if you're able to bump them at a high enough velocity. It feels odd.
The push back mechanic isn't very well explained. I ran into the issue where I died on the tutorial stage and was never able to use it again. Maybe have a ui element that shows you when you can use it? I also don't think it feels as useful as it should be. The few times I was able to use it the enemies were barely pushed away.
The music and aesthetic you have so far have high GMI energy. I find it really amusing you went from the more basic NOVABREAKER to this. Once a few kinks are sorted it out I could see this being a game I'd purchase. Keep it up.