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A member registered Mar 01, 2024 · View creator page →

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Not sure how useful this late review will be since I saw that you declared the game complete in the threads but I played up until I got softlocked after skipping a generic encounter with a raider. It just transitioned into an empty screen with a grey background. Hadn't reached a save point before then so I just lost all my progress :(

 Combat doesn't end  when your units are wiped out and they don't seem to respawn either so after I lost (and skipped) the second battle with Made and Masieu they became permanently unusable.

Love the background art.

Character models and customization are pretty nice.

I broke the camera while trying to wall climb as glider kid and the only way to fix it was to try climbing a wall again. Climbing overall is pretty hard with her.

It's possible to easily fall off the map on the small bridge towards where you can pick up items. I wasn't able to climb back up when it happened and had to restart.

I had a white rat turn brown after being hit with a charged punch with the red gloves. Speaking of which, the charge punch doesn't seem to work properly either. First time it'll launch me in the direction I'm aiming, any time after that it'll launch me upwards while spewing out blood textures on the ground.  Is that intentional?

I don't really like how combat feels.  Hitboxes felt cramped and attack knockback didn't really seem responsive. Enemies would go flying in unexpected directions.

 If I try to exit from the tutorial level it'll take me to a black screen where my only options are "host" (which is greyed out) and "join". Only way out is to exit the game.

I can tell it's still a really early build so I hope I don't sound too nitpicky. I'm interested to see how this project develops.

Underrated gem. The puzzles were pretty good. I especially felt satisfied when I finally solved the clock puzzle (I didn't know you could click to open the bottom center part for the longest while lol). Only thing is it's sometimes hard to know what's interactable and what's not. I stumbled upon the fire pit puzzle and solution by complete accident because I was spamming E on stuff.

Game would definitely benefit from sort of minimap. Maybe an inventory item you could open to see which part of the mansion you are in. I was able to navigate pretty easily after some time. But a lot of the hallways felt pretty samey.

Guns trivialize the vampire threat pretty quickly, especially after you find the extra ammo and shotgun. I didn't mind though cause collisions with them were pretty janky. It's easy to get stuck between their arms.

Presentation is definitely going to need a lot of polish before a Steam release. You should try taking queues from VNs for your dialogue ui. Maybe have a dedicated nametag and mini portrait for the characters.

I like it. Very cute characters. 

It just needs to be sped up a bit. The character animations and scoring tallying take a little too long. I also agree with the others that a timing based throwing would be more fun. Intro animations should be skippable.

From a google search the shuffleboards are suppose to have gutters on the side but I think it would also be cool to have extra boards with walls / obstacles so you can bounce the pucks off stuff. The main gameplay is already fairly solid so I'm looking forward to how it develops. Keep it up.

Gameplay you have so far is already pretty fun. Very cute girls. Gattling gun is definitely my favorite weapon. Has the best audio / visual feedback of all weapons so far.

When firing a weapon for the first time there's a 1 frame stutter. If I had to guess it's Godot loading the assets / shaders for the bullet trails. If I'm right you should try preloading them on game start if possible.

Sometimes it can be hard to tell where you're getting hit from. Game could definitely benefit from some sort of damage indicator like picrel (where the red shape indicates the relative direction of impact).

I'm also not too sure what fortress mode does. Does it just slow time down a bit? The naming makes it sound like it improves defenses but I still got mowed down pretty quick with it on. I could see the noise it makes when you turn it on annoying when players use it frequently.

Other than that I like what I see so far. Looking forward to further updates. Keep it up!

(1 edit)

Charming models and art.  I'll be sure to check out your main game next time you submit to DD. Curious about the lore of your game.

Now for some critiques:

Wish the sword had just a little more range at the start.

I think you should consider turning off collisions on enemies or nerfing the frequency of how often they damage when touching the player. Once you get surrounded you barely have any time to react as the player gets ping ponged and killed.

Jumping feels too floaty and pointless. You also can't jump during hitstun so it's not very useful for escaping out of the above scenario.

Not sure if it's a bug but if the player touches the death looking guy during the intro it triggers the game over animation and kills you instantly. It's pretty funny but doesn't seem very fair to first time players.

This game has insanely high GMI energy from the audio and aesthetics but I got filtered pretty hard by the gameplay. 

The camera movement made me pretty nauseous. Which is pretty weird since games usually don't do that too me. I was playing with vsync on too for reference.  Maybe add a camera sensitivity option?

Enemies were pretty much impossible for me to see especially once rubble / blood starts piling up. You gotta make them stick out a lot more by either giving them flashier colours or applying an outline shader on them.

Really looking forward to how this project progresses. Keep it up!

Saved. Thank you for the fanart!

Cute game that oozes a lot of soul. I really like the music. I managed to complete all levels except for 2 bonus ones.

Some minor nitpicks:

Controls are kinda weird. You use SPACE to jump, E to read signs and P to pause. But you also use P to progress from the intro cutscene. Wouldn't it make more sense to use SPACE or E to progress?

There doesn't seem to be a point to collecting blue blorbberries but I ended up going for them anyways. Maybe you could implement a level scoring system that's determined by completion speed + number of blorbberries picked up.

Bounce mechanic seems half baked. Blorb will bounce up after falling a certain distance but it never felt particularly useful. I think giving the player more control with a dedicated bounce button could be pretty cool.

Save system would be pretty nice. Only realized after I read another comment that I lost my progress :(

Looking forward to your next project!

None of the ui seems to work except for starting the game. It's possible to turn the camera enough to see the bounds of the skybox and the whitespace outside of it. I saw quite a few visual artifacts underwater, I'll post a screenshot below of what I mean. 

Boosting definitely needs a lot more "oomph" beyond the lightning effect. I don't feel much faster whenever I use it. The modern Sonic games like to zoom out the camera bit at higher speeds to cheat the effect.

It's possible to avoid sinking into the water by spamming the jump button as soon as you touch the surface. Not sure if that's intentional.

Controlling the camera can be pretty awkward at sharp turns and loop de loops. 

I got filtered by the ramp jumps so if there's more level beyond the first checkpoint I wasn't able to explore it lol.

Hope I don't come across too negative here, I like what you have so far and look forward to how it develops. If you haven't already played it, Spark the Electric Jester 3 is a great game to look at for inspiration.

Has potential. Moving the pan was too clunky for me and it was really uncomfortable for my wrists to cover longer distances to catch eggs in time. As others have mentioned the camera should be angled down more so depth perception is easier. Also it's kinda strange having to press 1 to deliver an egg. Why not just just use left / right click since we're already using the mouse to control the pan?

Looking forward to further updates!

As another person mentioned the costume closet stops working after completing the game. I completed the game again on hard and it still wouldn't unlock :(

Controls are tight and while the difficulty is tough, the precision platforming really starts to shine on replays. I can't wait to see potential speedrun shenanigans. Aesthetics are also on point.

I do fear the booba might hinder its potential for wider appeal though. Maybe a "streamer mode" option could work? Could just have it so the fanservice cgs don't show up on stage complete, since the game is pretty sfw otherwise. Up to you though, I'd buy it regardless.

The girl is cute, so I drew her, hope you like it.

Aesthetics are really cool. I liked all the characters so far and their quirks. The writing can be pretty hard to follow sometimes. It's obviously intentional with the story running on dream logic but I could see it becoming a problem down the line if you want to keep a reader invested in what's happening (i.e. "why should I pay attention to what's going on now if the subject's going to be completely different 5 seconds from now").

I'm a little confused on how much agency I actually have in the game. The infinite hallway segment was almost setup like an escape room and I was pretty excited to solve some puzzles / riddles but it was resolved pretty quickly by just finding the green room and going through that door. Felt like I maybe missed something. There's also a lot of single choice responses in conversations which I always thought were pretty pointless.

Config menu can be a little hard to read with a transparent bg. It's noticeable in the first table scene talking with Jojo. Maybe give it a semi-transparent black bg instead?

Music can sometimes be too loud. This was most apparent in the last table talk with Jojo. I already had the bgm set at 50% and it was still super loud.

Anyways looking forward to its development. Playing it got me in a drawing mood so I made some fanart of Jojo doing a jojo pose. I hope you like it!

Does its job well enough.

It's just missing QOL stuff like being able to skip typing (i.e. pressing Z while text is typing out will immediately make all text typed out). EDIT: Took a peek at the options right after, and apparently that's something that needs to be specifically turned on. Why? It's a staple in most games so it should be on by default imo.

If the point of the game is to make the character happy to progress, and it's possible to farm happiness from repeating choices, I feel that most players will eventually just end up spamming the same choices because they know what works. There's no real incentive to explore other options if you risk losing progress, save for some flavour text.

Anyways that's all I can really say for now. Looking forward to how this game turns out, keep it up!

As someone whose never played card games before a really basic combat tutorial would be heavily appreciated. Still had fun going unga bunga on my first run though. I only ended up losing because I tried "pulling a card from an empty deck."

UI is incredibly polished, everything was fairly readable and tooltips on hover are always a nice touch. I usually hate seeing AI art but I think it surprisingly works here.

Can confirm GPU usage is pretty high on my RTX 3050 though. Also I fought a "champion" who didn't really do anything for the entire battle. They drew exactly one card and didn't attack. Not sure if it was a bug.