I have played your game and I can say that it is good for a starter. Things you might want to consider are:
1-Hamster's quailty is way better compared to other images which are blurry.
2-When you change between scenes it would be great if you put some kind of fade or closing/opening effect.
3-Resume button is not working, pause menu closes when I press "esc" button again . Also you might wanna let the player know how they will pause their game.
4-I can still pause the game when I die.

5-Continue button is not working.
6-I think there is a visual bug, fireball is just floating mid-air and doesn't deal any damage.
7-An enemy didn't deal any damage when I touch it either, he didn't throw a fireball too.
8-You can check Unity build settings to make your game a lot better!
And for lastly the hearts are still visible at the end screen, other than that your game is good! I finished it, yay!
Still there is a lot of things all of us has to learn. We know the game is hard but as you get used to the controls it becomes easy! Thanks for your feedback.