I am using windows 10 and updated chrome to play your game, first only the following picture was showing, then after pressing Esc several times the game loaded, and I have to say it is such a beautiful and artistic game.

I played your game and I have to say it is really fun how ever I think it needs some polishing, to name a few there is no pause menu, save and load function, the sfx and music volume is load in my opinion and should be adjustable. in addition to that the gravity is little floaty.
I am starting to develop my own game too, I would really appreciate it if you could give me your feedback.
I played your game, this is what comes to my mind for the feedback.
1- first of all I loved the art style and sound design.
2- the game lacks the story and aim, why is he exploring the caves.
3- the camera following the main character was making me dizzy,
4- the shooting mechanism did not kill the blobs.
5- the blobs disappeared randomly.
6- the game over screen needs work and sound design and animation can help it.
7- there is no main menu and continue option
8- the character falls on a platform but it starts the game from somewhere else.
9- the character I think should start from the level it died not from the start the game.
I think this art style and Idea can make a fun game.
I have started developing my first game to I would appreciate it if you could give me your feedback.