-Really well done with the new fairy animation, it's surprisingly fluid especially the hair.
-Smooth sailing until level 4, which only took awhile because I forgot that buttons of the same color don't act like not operators, but are either pressed or not.
-I don't get level 5, it's a non challenge? Also, the sleeve fairy doesn't have a purpose? I could be any fairy. So all I do is go left, wake up fairy, get it off red, then move blue fairy across and just ping pong the sleeve fairy on the buttons. Maybe it's supposed to teach about the alternating state of the launchers? If I was playing casually, I wouldn't care all that much.
-Level 8 is quite cool, I like how you have to double back on a seemingly small level.
-Level 9 is a little more challenging, satisfying to reason out. Not sure how much I like the question marks on the boost pad though. It's well intentioned, but it feels a bit unwelcoming to have the dev tell me, "pay attention to this puzzle object especially!", using a method that isn't informed from the level/visual design(like you adding those square visual flairs that hint where to stand to use a Toad tongue). I would personally prefer a change in the floor tile underneath, or maybe adding a natural animation to draw attention, like fire flies.
-Small visual bug on bonus level Air control: the first bounce pad that the muscle fairy can access deactivates while flying through the air. Or at least I don't think I've seen any other pad do that... Oh no I guess it's intended, since the top red one does it too. Maybe it's actually the pad for going back that is wrong, because it doesn't deactivate(and it does in advanced air control, as I found out)
-Yellow toad seems good compared to the original, not having it attack you makes it easier(and faster) to maneuver.
-Level 12 felt kind of odd, but it got the idea across.
-Finale was fun, looks like a different take on the previous DD puzzles about manipulating a jumping toad.
-Advanced air control is the hardest level, a couple hours(while listening to a podcast) and still not finished. Felt particularly brutal since I kept getting off-by-one solutions and couldn't piece it together. Probably just a case of having horse blinders on, I'll likely get in a day or two.
So overall good puzzles, most I beat in a timely matter. The tutorializing of new puzzle objects worked well. Had a good time, looking forward to the next.