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A member registered Mar 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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-Fishing is alright. But why is it random if a fish bites? And fishing a bottom fish is impossible.

-I wish it would give me a restart prompt instead of always menu or quit, on fail.

-Window goes crazy if fullscreen and either alt tab or click to another monitor. When I set it to windowed it isn't centered so the window bar is above the extents of the screen and becomes unuasable.

-Rhythm game shouldn't hurt you for pressing keys while there is no notes. Many don't even punish spamming, but if you do, only do it when really close to a note. Also WASD is aids for this gameplay.

-Shooting Galery, Tower Defense: barely a game

-Letter editing: mildly interesting

-Shmup: nice fairies

-JRPG: Needs something to make me not just spam the first action of each character.

-JRPG II: Was only hard to understand since I had to scroll horizontally instead of pressing up to target the skull with my healer.

Don't feel like playing, but it's looking way better than last time, keep up the good progress.

-Playing on web.

-When I start the game the crab leg IK went a bit nuts, if possible that should be precalced so it's still on load. In general, it seems to freak after falling from a certain height or something.

-Depending on camera angle the colors will change or some things will lose their textures and become gray.

-There is no projectile for the missile so at first I thought it was borked. Not enough feedback for revving the gatling gun, so I also thought that was broken at first. If you add sounds it would be way better.

-Dead enemies stick around and will steal attention from the lock on.

-Gun UI doesn't stay upright from the camera's perspective.

Besides all that, it's pretty neat and has some potential. Keep chipping away at it.

Never played the original, but this game is decently fun especially for the timeframe it was made. The main complaint I have is that it's annoying to press up+attack to knock over enemies, it feels unresponsive sometimes. But being able to throw crab into crab is satisfying.

I had fun, but it's simple. If the powerups could interact with each other it would have a lot more staying power. Also, the start is a bit boring since you only have one weapon, the sword, to attack with so you have to constantly back up slowly for a minute+ each restart. It doesn't that the enemies take 3 hits to kill.

Not sure how much you'll work on it since it's a side project, but it has potential. So keep up the good work.

3D Coin Pusher Extreme? More like 3D Melt Your Computer Extreme

I had a little fun, but the slow down really kills it.

Rough, but there is some fun to be had, even if I don't know much about surf. The tutorial helped quite a bit, but it was wordy so I kind of tuned it out towards the end. It was fun doing it a second time and back jumping across in <30 seconds. In general, the backward jump seems a bit too crazy fast. I was about to complain that you could move the camera upside down, but it's actually an intended mechanic so that's a kind of neat idea I suppose. The actual levels made me feel lost though so I shortly lost interest. Setting it in an abandoned multiplayer game is cool.

Not my cup of tea, but has potential. Keep working at it.

I tend to like puzzle games, but for whatever reason this just didn't click with me. Perhaps I don't enjoy action puzzlers as much.

Art, music, and sound is good. It seems well balanced and helps communicate the puzzles, not detract. The puzzles themselves have some interesting mechanics, but it's quite easy only 15 levels deep. Where it gets iffy is the precision jumps at times, I found them unenjoyable. I also thought it strange how you added a lot of fluff death spikes that don't effect the puzzle.

Looks like it's coming along well, keep at it.

Destruction of my enemies / 10. Quite fun. Since you already have asteroid destruction, it'd be really cool if you did that to some of the big enemies as well, like the boss. Could make it like taking off a limb, instead of death.

Pretty fun for how early it is. The spread of cannon shot can feel annoying, sometimes I'll line up the broad side shot yet miss most of it. There could also be more feedback when you hit an enemy, or when they hit you. 

It's sort of fun, but the pace is slow. I just wish the scoring went faster if you pressed a key or something. There's quite a bit of potential here, especially if you give the players more personality through gameplay and add more game mechanics.

Keep up the good work.

It's very short, so not much to speak of. Character looks nice and feels mostly good to move around. Camera on controller is too fast. Environment looks cool, I like the lighting.

There is no music, but instead an odd thump or metronome? It's annoying. Some of the visuals are screwed, bright purple lines, etc. I found it a bit weird how you can just hover your fire on a goblin on the other side of a wall to kill it in a few seconds. That's true even if they're in pursuit of you, insofar there never seems to be purpose in engaging with the big fireballs if you only want to kill. The caves are too dark, even with a portable flame you have to be wary of then walking into said flame. I'd much prefer a faint point light on the player.

All that said, I still really like the concepts and look forward to more of this in the future.

Thanks for playing, I appreciate it.

Thanks for giving it a shot, I'm sorry about you getting stuck in the geometry. Though as far as I know it's a freak bug with Godot, that occurs very rarely. Will try to remedy if I can.

Regarding the talk about the double genre, I understand where you're coming from. However, I feel confidant that if I combine them well enough it will become better than the sum of its parts, or at least be a unique experience. In the unfortunate event that I can't make the dungeon gameplay worthwhile, I'll do what's necessary.

Thank you for playing, and the feedback! Nice to have some brutal honesty.

I'm not feeling this music. Sounds a bit cheap.

Fair enough, I'm also not satisfied. Just haven't got the inspiration to make something better recently.

But my controller isn't working at all. [...] UPDATE: It seems to work now and I think it's because I unplugged my steering wheel controller.

Sorry about that, I believe Godot defaults controller inputs to 'port 0', so if the steering wheel was plugged in it may have used port 0. I believe I can change it to 'any port' and it'll work fine. Though that may also cause problems. I might be able to detect which port is currently used, and then update the inputs accordingly. 

The color difference between a selected UI element and an unselected one is too subtle.

Will definitely work on that. I'm not sure still if I'll just do colors/outlines, or if I'll use use a RPG style pointer or crosshair. That should be improved by next time.

If I had the shop open all day, why does it say "End the day early"? It's not early.

lol, I knew someone was gonna catch that. Same goes for all the other small details. Will sort it out.

Various issues with bargaining.

I really need to make a proper interactive tutorial, it's tough otherwise to understand all the systems. It's even worse because of the time limit. Thanks for bearing with it.

I'm having trouble figuring out if I'm running this business well...

I'll be adding a graph that tracks liquid cash, assets(potential value), and the amount needed to pay the contract by the end of the time period. From there, I can create informed responses such as, 'on track', 'investing in assets', 'surplus and ahead of schedule', that sort of thing. 

What's the point of the broom sweeping mechanic?

It's one of several to be added features, the idea is that it incentivizes moving around while the shop is open, and 'realism' for fun. Right now, the dirt will drain the customer patience faster.

That's the brunt of it. Thanks again.

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I wonder if you were able to jump off it[figurine] reliably during gameplay, or if it was just something you noticed in the entrance room.

I did it a couple times, to middling success. It also saved my run when I thought I soft locked behind the green pooled wall. 

About the room you could not exit after you ran out of mana - you can reach the ledge if you crouch jump from vines to the left of your screenshot.

Now this I didn't expect. I never thought that you could crouch on a vine, the concept sounds foreign. If anything, I would assume crouching would lower me down. Maybe it is explained in the tutorial, but I didn't play it this time around. 

Here's the bad user data, will self delete in 3 days. Hope it helps. It was located at C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata


Thanks for clarifying, I believe once I add steam support this issue will be resolved. 

(1 edit)

-Fullscreen is all sorts of messed up, zoomed in too much and at awkward offsets, depending on which monitor it's on. So windowed it is. Also, it seems to be opening (in windowed mode) on the  wrong monitor, it's my second one instead of primary.

-I could drag my fisherman to the right(the right side of screen highlights when dragging him) and he'll disappear, forever. I'll restart the game.

-Seems it's borked. Here's the logs.

-Fresh installation doesn't fix, have to delete the user data folder.

-Took me a bit to realize I could buy the woodland creatures in front of me, I though maybe it was an enemy preview.

-I did a combat encounter. I'm now on a forage screen, but I'm out of money and can't do anything? Oh I have to press ENTER to continue.

-Black cat gives poison to  everyone, including allies. Not sure if intended. (Later on, I find out this is some sort of global poison applied so the battles don't last too long. I guess this is OK, but it really hampers any spam builds.)

-I like the auto healing and revival between combat. The lives system looks a bit strange, but maybe it works out.

-I keep on dying at round 4-6, RNG feels pretty brutal.

-Been going for awhile, getting better I think. However, you can get a mirror match with yourself, which is dumb. it's literally the same player ID. This proceeded to happen up to round 10 and beating the game. This is really disappointing, I basically lucked into victory. It also didn't let me see my party one last time before kicking me to the menu. 

-Concept is somewhat fun, though only fighting other players seems too much. Should probably start with a PvE mode, so it's easier to learn. I only had the barest grasp of the combat stats, not clear enough.

Despite all the issues, there's some fun. Curious to see where this leads.

Thanks for playing, and the feedback! With steam, are you playing on a Steamdeck, or are you using a steam service to convert controller inputs? It might be receiving double input then, causing the problems.

You slow down before sprinting since he has to 'tense up' before launching(needs animation), and the idea is that while running you get the slide and also can stop then run again with a very short tense time, until you lose momentum. Though it seems people aren't very fond of this idea. If it still doesn't feel good with tweaks and actual combat added, I'll change it to your bog standard instant sprint button. Also yeah, I need to make the holes shorter than crouching so it feels better. The problem being that if I let the player crouch walk under, they get 100% cover and can still shoot. Though I guess I could make it an animation instead, or remove shooting while doing so. Pardon the ramble. 

As for the haggle inputs, I think it's fine personally. If you need more precision, that's what the D-pad is for. Though, I suppose I could mess with it so near diagonals are not a bother

(1 edit)

Besides crashes, bugs, and etc, I had a good time. I like the writing and endings. I thought I found everything I could, but apparently the sparrow does exist I just missed it. I would have tried for longer, but a crash removed all my progress. Luckily the game is a lot faster once you know what you can do, so back in I go.

Got a couple more endings, including the zero skill one. I think that's a 100% now, fairly satisfying.

Looking forward to more of this next time, keep up the good work.

-I like the new dungeon music, pretty chill. To commemorate it, I wore some sunglasses while I played for ultimate coolness.

-The mana indicators around the center reticle are crusty looking, and ought to be replaced/improved. It's been bugging me for a while, though I know it's a very small detail.

-Well done with the seals screen, easier to parse now. I think it's a good idea allowing the player to visit the screen every dungeon run, allows for easily switching things out without risk, and removing the possible tedium of rolling for it in the action planner.

-On the time limit screen, some sort of divider or more space should be between the pay gold for unlimited time and the pay gold for extra time options. I nearly missed the second option's existence since it all look like one big block. Though to be fair, that's mostly my brain assuming it was like last time when it was just the former.

-Typo: "Automatic Toltips", in gameplay settings.

-Dope, just realized you added a 3D map to the first room. Now I feel silly about recommending a 2D map solution some time back, 3D even covers vertical rooms. Well, I'm assuming anyways, haven't got there. Oh, and I didn't realize that the timer is now paused until you exit the room, nice.

-Found my girl's figurine, very cute, thanks again. However, I found out that if you throw a figure below you, you can stand on it and get a free jump. Probably not intentional, but fun.

-Got lost for the first time in BabySteps++, I was just thinking that it would be cool if you could choose a sort of 'continue to explore' option after timeout, so you can see how close you were, or to otherwise try to understand the layout you had. Though, that does go counter to the usefulness of the training room, I suppose.

-While in timeout(fail) state,  you can alt tab to access the pause screen despite being unable to open it there otherwise. This is bad, because resuming and accepting defeat will keep the mouse invisible until you restart the game. However, you can still press cancel run from the pause menu instead to resume normalcy. Though for the average user, they may not realize. You can also still press left and right in timeout state to get the camera tilt, which is a bit funny.

-Maybe I'm just missing a mechanic, but it's impossible to get over this wall if you don't have mana(It's just a green slime pit with green boxes). Crouch jumping on the boxes below don't give enough height to climb up. Though if it's intended, then fair enough.

-I wanted to try adding controller inputs to see what it was like, but it seems like the rebind system won't allow for it, too bad.

-Only felt like playing an hour and change, though I will say I enjoyed myself more than last time. Nice progress.

-Booted up exe just fine, using cmd on Win10.

-Very bare bones for a roguelike, but I had some fun reading the room descriptions. 

-I was slain by two enemies on one turn, it gave me two game over notifications. Also, pretty funny how it announces no loot dropped from my dead self.

-Played a little more, but not too much to say.

Not sure if you were continuing this, but if so that's cool. Always like me a good ol roguelike.

-Orange companion is neat, but for what purpose does he serve?

-Moving blocks are cool, but I wish they had a unique sprite besides the stone so they can be easily distinguish. One stone was set off by the player not timed, that could also be differentiated somehow. 

-Finished the demo, boss was fun. Overall, a bit on the easy side. If it was someone's first time playing, I imagine that would be good. The hardest part was with the vertical block pusher into a vertical section, that has a enemy spawner further along. This was mainly due to not having a good way to kill the enemies in the vertical section.

Good stuff, keep working on it.

-On 16:10, the prologue cutscene's black box to fade into the scene isn't big enough vertically.

-Cutscenes are a little awkward, but gets the gist across. It's got me interested at least. 

-Controller seems to have issue staying focused on the menu UI, though it might also be due to the tutorial prompts. Speaking of, the tutorial for installing the abilities is waaay better than last I tried. I especially like the body part shortcuts.

-Pressing ESC to power down doesn't cause the self destruct to activate. But it does if you wait on the death screen until power goes to 0% naturally.

Only played a little past the prologue, not really feeling it this time around. Game is fun though, keep at it.

-New visuals(3D in menu, enemies) are very nice. At least I don't recall them.

-Shooting a corpse of an enemy still produces a hit flash.

-Dodge/parry feels a bit better than last I played, perhaps it's all in my head though.

-The "Show Emergency Cursor" setting is weird, I don't know what it's supposed to be since I've never heard of it. Though looking at what it does, it shows the blue reticle in the menus on top of the mouse, but it also causes the one in game to have a trail effect I guess.

Had a good time, keep up the good work.

-In 16:10, text goes off the side of the screens.

-Default sensitivity is way too low for controller, but OK for mouse. Maybe have a separate value for those two?

-Setting the Starting Wave to a high amount(5,000+) will cause the game to freeze for a bit and then take up over 6gb of RAM. Probably want to add a soft cap, or at least warn the player of the cost.

-Combat is fairly fun, punching seemed difficult to do right, so I mostly used the kick abilities.  It was annoying how much the enemy would run away at times. 

Was better than last time I played, keep up the good work.

Played once through, fairly fun. I don't have much to say since it's so early though. One thing is that ending dialogue with X(controller) will cause an attack afterwards, which interrupts you if you're trying to maneuver immediately at the start of a boss fight.  It wasn't until afterwards that I found I could press Y instead.

Played a little, it's charming just like last time. Gameplay seems fine, but I suck at fighters. I think it would be fun if there were props to launch into enemies, or vice versa. 

-I don't like the theme, but it seems good for a mobile game. 

-After running out of boost, you still get the audio of it when pressing the button. It should either not play any sound, or play a different one.

-Rolling feels off. I think it is not moving enough for its rotation speed. And in general, I don't know why it's so slow. The obstacles so far are about flying anyways, so making the roll option so slow just feels a little antagonistic. 

-On level 24, I noticed one of the background trees was being phased out, which I'm pretty sure is unintentional.

For the type of game it is, I had a good time. Easy levels, with a bit of challenge if you want to get 3 stars. Main gripe is roll speed, and for some of the later levels you have to wait a while if you want to get the right cycle to 3 star. 

As per usual, I had a good time playing! The test levels did a good job of teaching how to manipulate the blue toad. The only thing is that occasionally I had issues executing what I wanted, since it involves juking the blue toad. Though it helped once I realized I could hug him to keep him still while I think. I didn't try the autoaim feature, but I managed fine without it. 

Looking forward to next time.

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How am I supposed to play this? Where's the guns, blood, killing of demons, the pilfering of treasure? 0/10

Seems to work well enough, keep on making it so it's more fun.

As a pro gamer, I selected Cultish and beat the hell out of those fools. Though thinking about it, allowing for the option of quicksaving or checkpoints on campaign start might be preferable for some.  I found the difficulty to be fair for  the challenge.

Gameplay is much the same as usual, but good fun regardless. Level design is pretty good, I liked the secrets that I found. It's more on the linear side, but that's fine.

Keep up the good work.

Played with controller on windows executable, all systems nominal. Flying felt pretty good. I had a lot more fun this time, compared to several DD ago, but it's still very simple. Was hoping for some powerup pickups or new enemy types to show up.

Keep up the good work.

Fun game, the interactions already implemented make me excited to see what you come up with next. I  think it would be nice to start with a mission briefing and or a map to help motivate the player. 

I had some issues with the sign puzzle. I'll also echo that the movement gets stuck too much. It's needlessly aggravating. Looking forward to when more of the game is added in.

Thanks for the gripes, and for playing, I'll try to address them come next time. I'm starting to feel baffled with this rumble issue. I might need to include a rumble test program with the game if it keeps on happening. I want to blame Godot, but more often than not it's somehow my fault. 

Thanks all the same.

-When clicking on the first level, it loaded but the map was a gray box. Exiting and selecting it again, it was normal.

-Controls are a little finicky. I wish I could just press R or some such instead of wiggling the mouse. Though you get used to it.

-In the chain level, I got the solution but it was only a few tiles over the grid limits, so annoyingly I had to move everything over one piece at a time. I would add picking up the entire track at once, or an unlimited grid/wrapping to help.

Beat most of the levels, I had a pretty good time. I imagine that if you added some special tracks that change depending on direction of approach, it may lead to some cool puzzles since the train has to work in both directions. Though as a casual puzzle game, it's fine as is. Keep chipping at it.