Just gonna dump my stream of consciousness thoughts I wrote as I played
why start with the sound and music turned all the way down?
the highlight on showing me where the ship designer is should be more eye-catching
ship designer sexo
"please ignore the employes" should be "employees"
the ship design requires my mouse to be within the place I'm putting the part but I initially felt like just hovering the part itself over the spot should work
I'd like for some of the text to be bigger, like the ship stats
some of the text color is unreadable, like the dark blue
it tells me to select "choose path" but I needed to accept the contract first
it tells me to click "start mission" but it's actually "start expedition"
what's happening? Time is passing but I don't see them building my ship
I wish I could move the map
I set the time to 32x, stuff happened, then the info went away before I could read them.
I give up, I dunno if I did the mission or not. Not getting any feedback.
Good promise here but it's all about usability, I need to know what the heck is happening with the gameplay