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A member registered Jun 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Did you try holding down the rockets when firing them, or did they always only fire once if you clicked and held down?

I never held down the button, since I end up going through rockets so fast it would feel 'wasteful' to just hold down the button. But I guess that's too conservative.

best bet is not to use missiles or grenades and just your primary weapon.

This is surprising to me because I expected gernades and secondary weapons to do more damage than primary. If they don't, they're sort of outclassed by the utility of the primary weapon in all ways.

You're my virtual friend Marnix.

It seems like a lot of the clicks don't register for some reason.

Had to check out the new stuff!

Playthrough here:

(I'll delete in 1 week to save space)

(1 edit)

(ok posting to the correct dd now)

Here's my playthrough! I didn't get very far I guess. Somehow my research wasn't finishing? It feels like there's an interesting game here I just couldn't get to it.

(edit: I'll have to delete the video after a week to free up space)

wait lol my dumb ass posted this on the wrong dd

Here's my playthrough! I didn't get very far I guess. Somehow my research wasn't finishing? It feels like there's an interesting game here I just couldn't get to it.

As for the "empty" Storage Crates. They are not empty. All storage from all sources is automatically combined into a single accessible inventory. You can only access this inventory from Chests. I admit is was painful to watch you check every chest in the camp not noticing they all contained the same items.

lol I feel kind of silly, but I was sort of overwhelmed by how many pawns I had and how much they were doing on their own. Also it 'felt' like the containers were different because they are accessed independently and I was instructed to build multiple ones in different places.

About audio adjusting in real time. The volume of an audio object in gamemaker is set at the time of play. So I reset all audio on menu close. I've been trying to find a good way around doing it this way for a while.

Hm, I'd think gamemaker would provide some way to make this work? I don't know anything about gamemaker but maybe you could hack it by waiting for the player to change the audio option, and then resuming play for the shortest amount of time possible and then stopping play. Then the change would take effect but it would be invisible to the user that they ever left a menu state.

That weird thing with the job switching. Huh, I've never see that happen before. After quite a bit of testing. I've determined that it is the newly implemented aspirations system. This was happening, because while pawns can choose a different job to perform on their own. They were not checking other professions aspirations, before setting a new one. Scrolling through the list of professions caused them to accept all jobs, and all of those jobs aspirations. Going on a job fair.

Ah don't you love bugs like this

Fun game! My feedback and playthrough are in this video:

I'll have to delete the video from my drive after a week because it takes up a lot of room.

Looking forward to more!

Very floaty! Felt less like a tank and more like a glider I could launch really high if I hit ramps or drove up walls. When the enemy respawns I can't target them again. Also I couldn't switch to the scout.

I have to tryhard whenever there's a movement-based game with a high score system so I sat down and cranked out a 2:47. I demand to know if this makes me the ultimate in peak penguin performance!

The ship is flying!

Cool to see your js framework in action.


Puzzles with different size holes where you need to be strategic about the size of your earth for each 'growth'.

lol you were one level shy of experiencing our implementation of this

(1 edit)

F just toggles between looking at the player vs the world. But it's not quite there, sometimes it will toggle but just chill far away until you move. It was a conscious decision to not allow the player to move the camera manually, I liked having it be simpler.

The game really wasn't meant to be played with keyboard, so yeah it's not going to come across well.

Thanks for playing!

Dude this was super cool.

I really liked exploring the mechanics and the world.

Was there anything to do after I found the second generator? I couldn't find anything else because I kept running out of juice for the lights when I tried to go down long hallways and I exhausted all the resources I had.

flying is still a bit strange when diving

I'm definitely going to add a "divebomb" ability at some point.

the camera frustum depth is too small for no reason... maybe you plan on adding fog? if not just crank it up.

That's just out of the box raylib behavior. I'll investigate where that's set in the raylib code or add fog at some point.

wanted to mouse fly but didn`t know how to enable it... is it not available in the browser?

Yup only desktop version. I can't reset the mouse position in web.

maybe it would look more rad if they shot a stream of disperse elongated projectiles instead of a big ball

Hmmm like a shotgun blast? That would be cool visually.

Thanks for playing!

the velocimeter max out at 300 kmh

Ha that sounds about right, it does feel really fast. If you even go over a small bump at 300kph, you're still going to get serious hang time where you won't have control while airborne.

Cool glad the feedback was useful.

Really impressed to see you blaze through the whole demo in one sitting, some people had a lot of trouble previously finishing the second and third mission.

Oh that makes me feel good! Usually DD games make me feel like a scrub but I guess I can still keep up when it comes to mech/vehicle games. 2nd and 3rd missions were hard but I appreciated the challenge.

Good shit dude, recorded my playthrough (I'm still figuring out my new dd feedback video workflow, so my voice audio is too quiet for a lot of it):

Fun game! I recorded myself playing it. In the video I wished there was a first person view and now looking at the screenshots I realize there was and I forgot to try changing the camera...

I hope this game one day outgrows the simple wave based arcade formula.

I hope so too. I'm definitely thinking more seriously about what comes next, but there's still some core mechanics I want to add.

I think this could do well as a 'Simulator' like this : Pigeon Simulator on Steam .

I'm not interested in this 'meme simulator' format. But in the same vein, I'm thinking about a Grand Theft Auto style open world where you can interact with the city but also pick up missions to do from characters.

There seems to be a stealth mechanic? I might be imagining it but I felt like when I flapped my wings close by enemies would become alert. If that's the case I like that a lot, it should be more clear, I shouldn't be wondering if that's actually a mechanic or just in my imagination. 

The humans are alerted by the sight and sound of Batty! I was thinking I would copy Metal Gear Solid and have a state where they are alerted but haven't yet fully noticed the player (question mark over their head in MGS) and then fully alerted (Exclamation point over their head in MGS). Something like that might make it more clear.

I would like to feel more agile / in control of Batty

I've got plans to improve this for sure.

Voices are great.

Thanks! Recorded them myself this week.

Thanks for playing!

you can afford to make the camera much more weighted and dynamic

Interesting, I haven't gotten feedback on the camera for a while. I think I need to move the camera back a bit to allow for more room on the screen for dynamically tracking Batty. At a certain point I reduced how dynamic the camera was because it was too easy for her to end up half off the screen in a hard banking turn.

Work on the collision feedback, it feels to short, maybe a longer bounce with gradual control regaining?

I reduced the crash duration because earlier in the game's life there was a lot of 'ping ponging' between buildings when the crash duration was longer. You'd hit one building and then bounce into another one before you could get your bearings. Maybe if control could be gradually regained but then she'd need to recover from her spin early.

Once I fell through the ground and game crashed

Yeah it's been a tough bug to track down. I know the position variable goes to a Vector of { NaN, NaN, NaN } and I think it's because of an earlier magnitude being NaN. Well... I'm off to go crash into the ground over and over in a debug build...

Thanks for playing!

it didn't feel particularly hard, but i only played a few waves, so i guess that it gets harder later on

The new human AI sort of makes it easier because they're slower when walking and more predictable when running away. If you can actually figure out the flying controls, it's probably too easy now. I'm at a bit of a crossroads with the difficulty, people who don't 'get' the controls are still having trouble. But people who 'get' it need a bigger challenge. I need to decide if I want to cater to casuals or just embrace BV being a high skill game for nerds.

Tried to record myself playing, but I didn't make my voice loud enough so you might not be able to understand me. If you can't, I can quickly summarize my feedback in a comment. But good stuff man, I had fun!

Played this game for a bit and recorded some of my gameplay! I had fun with it.

New since last DD:

The humans have AI now and some of them will fight back against Batty.

Thanks for playing!

Yeah I'd love to improve the city and add more variety. Get some textures in, some different models like churches, set up tiling for the textures. It's on the TODO list.

Oh that's a unique idea. I like it. Once I get to the point I'm ready to flesh out bigger game modes I'll keep it in mind.

Yo this is cool!!!!!!

Great presentation and style.

I like the cypher puzzle, but it took me forever to understand the instructions. I think you could rewrite the instructions to better guide the player. After you get it the first time, it's pretty easy to guess what the message is on subsequent ciphers.

I was a bit confused in the fight. I shot 3 bullets then I didn't know what to do? Eventually the mind virus attacked me and I got to shoot again.

Ok the fighting is weird. It doesn't say anywhere that I have to hit spacebar to advance. And then how do I buy health? Edit: ok I get it now. A little confusing until you get into it.

This was fun, cool gameplay and cool world.


I'd like to get some gameplay mechanics that don't involve swooping down to the ground, because it's hard for players to do without hitting the ground and I need variety. Dropping something would give variety for sure.

I'll blame Wine for it (I played the downloadable version on Linux).

It's actually that slow in Wine? That's so bizarre. Your frames weren't bad, I have no idea how Wine could have slowed the physics tick down that much.

I've never really played bullet hells before, this shit is hard. I have it on easy and I can't get past the big skelly.

Dude I dunno I suck at this game, I give up.

It looks like I always get 3 more tries no matter how much I die.

the music made me want to do a kansai drifto.

Seems like it could be a good game and I love the spooky additions, I'm just too much of a bullet hell noob to play it.

(2 edits)

Run by holding E is a weird layout choice, usually it's shift.

The resolution maxes out at 1080p on my 1440p monitor.

I unintentionally went inside and got the bad ending. What was that background? It looked too sunny for a horror game!

Fun little game! You had me pretty spooked. I think you could have been a little more subtle with the reveal. There was a lot of build up and then he was just chillin there.

Edit: Oh, sensitivity controls would have been nice for mouse movement.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

Is that video representative of what it was like to play the game? Because that video is moving in slow motion compared to how the game is supposed to play.

It's a shame there's not more content

I just uploaded a new build where humans will fight back against Batty!

as an Ace Combat fan, I get easily confused by flight games that don't invert the y-axis, so it would be nice to have such an option.  

There is that option but I didn't put it on the help screen, you press "i". I need to make a real UI so it's easier to understand.

The bat's terminal velocity also seems too low when you're flying straight downwards.

Good point, I'm planning on adding a "divebomb" ability.

the repetition of the "stupid bat" and wilhelm scream stuff got to be a bit much

I had a feeling this would be the case. I'll prioritize getting more voice lines for the humans.

you haven't rightly built it out

I just uploaded a build where the humans fight back against you! But yeah I'd still consider this game in the prototype stages.

Thanks for playing!

I'd like an option for mouse sensitivity, it was too high when I started and I had to adjust it on my mouse.

I'm not a fan of the intentionally pixelated look but I guess it's what's popular right now.

When I was driving, my cursor naturally hovered over the radio and I kept getting the prompt to toggle it. It was a little annoying.

I got killed the second time my tires blew. It felt a little cheap. It's not like I wasn't paying attention. I looked all around before I started pumping and then I had to focus on the pump to keep it pumping up. So unless I keep looking up every second I die? And the pump deflates if I don't keep clicking so once I start it makes the most sense to finish.

Restarting the game is broken. I was going to give it a second try but when I hit start on the main menu I just was shown the monster frozen in front of me which is what I saw before I died.

Overall I like the vibe. It's well presented.

(1 edit)

If you've played Batty Vamps before, what's new is that the humans don't run around mindlessly, they've got a little bit of AI now.

Update: Now the humans will fight back against you too!

Wow I'm really late on posting this. I started reviewing it then forgot then remembered.


I feel legitimate heartache that I am not physically in shove-a-puck pub right now shoving pucks and drinking a pint

the puck that shows what menu option is selected is partially hidden behind the center portrait

that chalk vfx is sex

It took me most of the first round to understand the power mechanic. Would be good to give a hint on that

need more music variety

your puck icon kinda looks like a red fruit that was cut in half

I want an option to make the game go faster. Like skip all the reaction animations and stuff

>tfw no black vampire gf

I think this game should have one of those systems where the power bar or directional aiming moves back and forth like on a timer and you have to hit the button at the right time to try to get the power you want or angle you want. Since I can perfectly place all my shots, it just becomes mostly a strategy game. But there's not enough complexity to sustain that.

Just gonna dump my stream of consciousness thoughts I wrote as I played

why start with the sound and music turned all the way down?

the highlight on showing me where the ship designer is should be more eye-catching

ship designer sexo

"please ignore the employes" should be "employees"

the ship design requires my mouse to be within the place I'm putting the part but I initially felt like just hovering the part itself over the spot should work

I'd like for some of the text to be bigger, like the ship stats

some of the text color is unreadable, like the dark blue

it tells me to select "choose path" but I needed to accept the contract first

it tells me to click "start mission" but it's actually "start expedition"

what's happening? Time is passing but I don't see them building my ship

I wish I could move the map

I set the time to 32x, stuff happened, then the info went away before I could read them.

I give up, I dunno if I did the mission or not. Not getting any feedback.

Good promise here but it's all about usability, I need to know what the heck is happening with the gameplay