Bug: When a party gets less then 5% of the vote after the constitutional amendment they are still shown to have one seat in the Reichstag.
Bug: Constitutional Reform does not show up when using Government affairs. Likely because "#tags: govt_affairs" but there is another mistake "judiciary_timer = 0" which should be "constitutional_reform_timer = 0" and Radbruch should have "constitutional_reform_timer -= 12".
Bug: You can do all the constitutional reforms several times.
Bug: You can sign the Concordat several times.
Bug: When using easy_discard after having used an advisor's ability the card show up in your hand (if you have space in it). It also sets your advisor_action_timer to 6.
Maybe bug: The BVP does not get nuked for being under the 5% threshold after the reform.
Maybe bug: When doing minor reforms (and only in the case of minor reforms) dissent) judiciary_timer goes up with an extra 6 months.