Great work! As for my constructive criticism goes, I would have liked to see a little more variety in the rooms aside from the lighting. One trick I've learned over the years is to inject a bunch of some type of an item over top of the base building, like vines/screws/wheels/pipes/etc slapped on top of the walls or ceilings to help out while not getting in the way of regular collision. I do wonder if I'd have a hard time figuring out which action to do if they weren't labeled text-boxes. It would require some kind of prompt on the screen to try an action out when going through a corresponding door that is going to require it, potentially. I was never able to exit but in a way, for a short itme, that was welcomed because I hadn't struggled much at all up until that point. Also really liked the positive energy coming from this team. Very promising, open-minded attitudes that will get you far.