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I finally finished all the routes. Thank you for creating the game! 'Twas well worth the wait. ^ . ^ But I do have a question. If our MC had a mirror what would it look like?

OMG, thank you and congrats, ramenlover890!
the notification feature fails me again, I just saw your comment today Q_Q I'm sorry for the late reply!

That is a good question though! In my mind, Maya's mirror will look like a small, slightly worn out, pocket mirror. You know, the ones that can be folded? Pocket mirror represents someone that cares about how they looks, you can say a little narcisstic but when it's folded, it can also be interpreted as 'guarded' or 'wary'. 

My concept is; everyone's mirrors starts off as a simple mirror, but then it evolves as a person grows. There are many factors, like the environment, education, parents, etc

I hope I answered your question ^.^)/