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This is an extremely cute, fun, and addicting game. Even now, as I'm replaying to give you a proper review, I found that I just didn't want to stop playing. The art is good, the music fits, and the mechanics are great and simple. I feel like this is the ideal jam game, it was concise enough that you obviously had a lot of time to polish it up and make it professional.

I think one of my only complaints is maybe that although gamepad is supported- a common comment of mine -it would be nice to be able to use the d pad instead or in addition to the joystick. I feel like the only thing that took me out of the experience was fiddling with analogue controls. Otherwise though, I was just sad there wasn't more game after finishing!


Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed playing it :D. To be honest I'm kinda new to controllers so I did put the controls that made the most sense to me, but I guess they are not the optimal ones...

To be honest, there are probably some people who would prefer the joystick, but then I think others like me who prefer the d-pad. Whatever "action" you have on the input map for moving left and right, it should be as easy as adding "Gamepad Button: D-pad Left" or Right onto the list of accepted inputs for that action. The default UI controls Godot has by default when you start a project actually do this.

This was such a cute game though, thanks for making it :3