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(2 edits)

I actually did not use any shaders, I used mostly animations and particles. I actually can't write in that shader language lol so I found other ways to do things like when the enemies are hit I changed the modulate of the enemies to a slightly different shade of the original colour and then I reset it back to the original colour of the enemy, so it creates this flashing effect. One way I managed to decrease lag was that I added a visibility notifier node to the bullets. With this node, I can say that every time a bullet goes offscreen then get_tree.queue_free() to delete it. This way, the game won't lag as much. I made this game in Godot btw.

Thats certainly the smarter way of doing it! We used shaders in our game for the flashing effect and it sometimes lags the browser, so we might steal this method in the future lol. Thanks a lot for the reply, terrific job!

No problem, glad I could help :)