Oh damn I completely forgot about the dialogue saying where the buns were, woops! We do have plans to keep adding stuff to the game, mostly new characters and more days/modifiers for days. I think it will always stay as a quick arcadey style game instead of something more long-form, but I agree that something like that would be pretty fun.
Happy to help.
That sounds nice! In that case, let me offer some ideas just for the fun of ideation:
- Dispensers have been filled all wrong, giving a % of getting something else;
- The diner has been flung into a time warp, and cooking time is crazy inconsistent;
- Dispensers have been overfilled and sometime X amount of ingredients explode out on the table;
- Boss has forgotten his lunch, and now you got to quickly feed him some food or he will eat all your prepared food instead;
- It's Horizontal Day! Celebrate everything that is more wide than tall by serving food rotated on the side.