Ah good new! Thank you for your dedication
This is probably not for now, but please consider making these angle constants readily available for users. When used as horizontal camera (or object) rotation instead of the classic 45 deg view, (considering a 30 deg vertical isometric view) they make the perpendicular edges of cuboid objects like crates or walls render as integer ratio raster lines, which are perfect for isometric, trimetric or axonometric scenes with lots of tiling chunks and props:
14.0362435 deg ~ atan(1/4) ->integer 1:2 and 8:1 lines
26.5650512 deg ~ atan(1/2) ->integer 1:1 and 4:1 lines
The other mirrored integer lines views are made by adding these values to 45º, 90º, 135º, 180º, 225º and 270º, but the typical use would be to just pass the two constants above and generate batches of 4 rotations.