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This was so good! I really enjoyed it (if you can "enjoy" something that made you feel deeply unnerved 100% of the time LOL). The entire setup, the aesthetics, the design, everything contributed so well to setting up this slowly suffocating vibe that really clinched itself (lol) by the end, and it was all just wonderfully done.

I'm in LOVE with the GUI you made for this. Every single part of it is incredibly immersive and instantly draws you in. The setup with the chat screen was a great idea for the idea of the AI, but with Yumeko's picture there to still give us an emotional connection to her as a person (erm, AI, lol). I absolutely loved the little creepy flashes that would happen on Yumeko's screen, especially how they kept getting more and more unnerving. All the different possibilities for what could pop up there were so creative and so unnerving lakdjfsad ALSO all the different variations for the "rebooting," gosh, poor Yumeko, some of those were absolutely HAUNTING. AND THEN??? IF YOU GET ALL THE HEARTS UP?? THE WAY THE GUI CHANGES AND HER PICTURE BECOMES ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING????? I had chills the entire time my gosh. The variation that is still haunting my mind is I think the rebooting screen right before all the hearts are full and it shows her decapitated, my god, was that terrifying...

Even besides the chat screen interface itself, I loved how the rest of the game fit into this game/computer-esque vibe, from the rebooting screen, to the little video game level-up sound (for lack of a better word) when you unlock an ending, to the music and all its chip-tone esque melodies. It was truly wonderful and evident just how much careful work and detail you put into the immersive experience of the game, which was doubly effective for a game like this where you're really placed into the head of Yumeko. I also liked the change into the real world and how the GUI changed after that, truly making it feel like "coming out of the box" into reality.

Regarding the gameplay, I found it so incredibly unique. I don't think I've ever played a game with quite this type of gameplay loop before?? At first I wasn't sure what was going to happen when I chose a "bad" option, but then seeing the reboot happen and now that option was gone was just... this slowly building dread began to take over me. Like little by little she was slowly being suffocated and her options and opinions taken away from her until only a shell remained. Some of the doctor's comments really sent chills down my spine... by themselves, they weren't always terrible, but I think it was hearing so many of them again and again, and knowing that you're unable to say anything against them that really made it really that much more claustrophobic and unsettling. Admittedly I felt a bit bad in the ending where he died... πŸ€£ Maybe my last hope being that he could have potentially changed or maybe he just needed someone real as a friend to help get him out of this mindset. Though it was cathartic getting to see Yumeko finally take control of her own destiny and fight back and have the chance to be her own person. "Becoming a real woman" as it were. I'm not familiar with the Pygmalion and Galatea story this is alluding to, but in my mind, I was instantly taken to Pinocchio and "becoming a real boy." I suppose not quite the same story but still based on something inhuman becoming human I guess lkjdfasd I really enjoyed seeing the different possible endings. The most unsettling one for me was "The Wife" ending as I could relate quite  a lot to shoving down your personal feelings and just "saying what's right" even if you feel awful inside, so my heart really went out to Yumeko... ahhh. In general I just thought the idea of the "reboot" loop and having your options slowly stolen from you was just a really need and unique idea.

Anyway, just a really well-done game! So much to think about now!! LOL Thought-provoking indeed. And just a haunting experience overall, aided by how much amazing work and polish you put into the design and UI. I enjoyed this a lot!!

AWW CARROT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE KIND WORDS, I'm very glad that you enjoyed it 😭 the feeling of "suffocation" is absolutely what I wanted to convey here - as your "ability to speak" is slowly taken away from you. 

I'M GLAD THAT YOU ENJOYED THE GUI, in general I think that GUI is not a main focal point of my projects, but as a "quasi-chatsim" I really wanted to emphasize it here! I tried hard to come up with interesting little effects πŸ˜‚ it was fun coming up with the different variations! FGHFGH I'M GLAD THAT YOU HAD CHILLS, I think it was the first time that I genuinely tried something very "classically horror" so I wasn't sure if I managed to get the vibes right 😭 

And thank you for the comments on the effects!! It was so fun designing this game, I really love this aesthetic 😭 (and I wish that I would stop planning medieval fantasy projects because the aesthetic brings me no joy...) And I'm glad you picked up on the change in format! Honestly I really love minimalistic "text boxes" like this (just simple outlined text overlaid on the CG), but I worry about the text not being visible enough so I always refrain πŸ˜… luckily this one only had a few CGs and relatively muted colors (in the real world) so I didn't have to worry too much about that, however!

THANK YOU, I really wanted to try to come up with something that utilized the visual novel format well 😭 I always just make long-ass novels with pictures and barely any choices 😭 and I'm very glad, that "suffocating/claustrophic" atmosphere is exactly what I was going for! Even though none of the things that he says individually are that hurtful - they weigh on you, over and over, without the ability to say anything back - "carving" you away into a hollow shell. 

πŸ˜‚ I agree with you, I do find the Doctor pitiable, and I actually considered a variation in which Yumeko escapes without killing him. But I found an ending in which she runs, or simply "sternly tells him off and orders him to fix himself," to lack the sense of catharsis that you mentioned. Ultimately I decided that, in the end, this was never a story about Pygmalion and lingering too long on "fixing him" would hurt the overall message, so I nixed it πŸ˜‚ Though I do like such "redemption" narratives, and would like to tackle them in the future (it just didn't fit this project in particular!)

OHHH HAHA, I DIDN'T INTEND THAT, but honestly the wording was absolutely inspired by Pinocchio! I like to think that that's the thing that finally turns Yumeko into a "real person" - having the chance to fight back against her abuser (of course my solution is ✨violence✨ and honesty, of course...). And OHH I'm very glad, the Wife ending is actually the one that I enjoyed writing the most, and I think it would also be "my" ending. (Ultimately, it's the one I find the most realistic and true to life πŸ˜‚)

Again, thank you so much for taking the time to play and leave such a thoughtful comment 😭 😭 😭 I always love reading them!!!