Yes. Thanks for your feedback. Definitely alpha/omega status needs to affect the game somehow or simply should be deleted :3
suggest keeping them if your able to and also adding more detail to the rep system like protections and supporting
the idea if your a omega and you gain alot of clients who love you they will protect you from an attacker or if your struggling with the hyena clan they might step in and offer some money to give you more time
if your an alpha you can make people obbsessed with you they will worship you and enjoy being near you maybe even ending in a ending where you make all the girls leave their mates to be yours
vice versa for the females stealing all the males
id suggest you tie this to the female oc as well to make both sides have a way of playing
omegas make alphas and betas fall in love with them and enjoy using them
where alphas make omegas and betas worship them
alpha should give you overwhelming pressence making it harder for negitive actions like the hyena clan harming you or even minor things
alpha's and omegas also shouldint be able to work the normal job but if you gain rep could earn you more cash then normal work
betas can work the normal jobs and raise thru the ranks to eventualy become the boss of the company