In order to win, you need to destroy the enemy's base. It has 10k hp, so your character's and allie's damage output is insignificant. Your storm is what matters -- it deals lots of damage to enemy buildings. You power up your storm by killing enemies. The stronger the storm's power, the more it pushes the enemy storm, eventually reaching their base. That's the idea I was going for.
Eventually it came down to lots of balancing, and I just could not afford it anymore (other tasks were burning). I foolishly assumed that the game would be too hard and made mines generate 2g instead of 1g/sec and added more hp to a hero.
For the jam purposes, blue Storm Power builds up pretty fast, eventually reaching the enemy base and damaging it. But even so I see that you thought that the game is infinite :D The HP indication of both bases is on global UI, not on the base. Maybe that was confusing?