Thanks for the high praise. Are you sure you wrote the review in the right comment section? :)
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I somehow won :). I could not get to the orange thing though.
I was somehow able to move the crate by jumping on it or throwing the purple thing on it. I don't know what exactly caused it to move. Then, I activated the gate and destroyed the crate with just the purple thing. Why did the purple thing work on both the gate and the crate? I though the signs were giving me clues about what to use on what.Also, jumping onto the tree did not seem to work for me. I always fell to the ground.
Edit: I liked the concept of figuring out the clues to know that to do. The game could use a reset button.
I hope you enjoyed the game. You’re right about the music. Regarding the clue snapping, this system allows players to choose multiple clues as the answer without spoiling how many they need. However, maybe the loss in clarity is too high. Unfortunately, I did not have enough time to create a nice background music or make a second case that would demonstrate the possibility of multiple answers better. Anyway, thanks for the feedback.
Thanks for trying the game out. I’ll gladly point you in the right direction. You have to click on the clue called “A guest” to reveal the clue’s description (at the top of the screen) and follow-up actions at the bottom of the screen (Action area).
Keep in mind, that you can get softlocked by discarding vital actions/clues or running out of energy. You have to decide what actions to take based on their names and case information.
To restart the game you can go back to menu and click “Play” in the menu.
The sprites look good. I could not tell, if I was gaining energy or losing energy. There should have been some counter or status bar. I did not like the first part of the game. It was too repetetive. I was just going to elder and getting tank barrels for 3E until I had 20. I liked that the boss fight was more than one dialog option. In my opinion, boss needs more random/unpredictable moves.
Thanks for playing, and also for the feedback. The camera follows the player with some smoothing, so it kind of follows the player. Do you want the camera to be fixed on the player without any smoothing?
I planned to add 3D models, but I did not manage to do it before the deadline.
Response to the question about the monster. It might spoil the fight with it a bit.
The monster will die on the 10th hit, but if you die, the health of it resets.The web build of my game is pretty laggy so I would advise you to try the windows/linux version. Please give it a try:
The game is fun. The diffuculty is well set. However, the third character had terrible cards.
Unfortunately, I ran into a bug. I got a 'Runtime error: memory access out of bounds' at the beginning of the level with the storm things (dialog mentioned moving away from something) when the decks where being shuffled or just right after it. In the browser console was the following message: 'Could not allocate memory: System out of memory!'. I did not copy the seed before playing, so I can't share it.
Maybe not. The rules say:
'Game files are not locked so if you discover a major issue with your game file it is possible to change this afterwards, just make sure you make a submission before the deadline. This is only for game-breaking issues, don't use this feature to otherwise update your game before the rating period is over.'
I am not sure if this falls under that case since I am not the organizer. I leave the interpretation of the rules up to the developer.
The player sprite, player animations and environment look good. Consider respawning the player back at the campfire. I don't want to walk there and back again every time. The fishing stops being fun after 5th death.
If the sign is the thing that's incompatible with controller input, you might be able to fix it by calling grab_focus() on one of the buttons.