Yes I guess that's true, haha. I stumbled upon this indie project randomly that has the effect I'm trying to achieve. Don't know the name, unfortunately: link
You'll notice letters have a 1-pixel thick purple-to-blue outline. The gradients are little irregular (notice how some of the numbers are mostly blue), which might hint at how it was done. Also we have a shine effect over the text in the input field , which I suspect is just a shader. And then lastly some special effects on the selected letter, which I'm not particularly concerned with.
I mainly wanted it for my character creation screen to make it more visually distinct from the other menu text, which may also include an on-screen keyboard. I'm hesitant to use raster-based graphics for a handful of reasons, but if that's how the above effect was achieved who am I to argue. I just feel like even if there's no practical way to have gradients built-in with the outline, there's gotta be some way to fake it by drawing a gradient image on top of the letter or set of letters and then masking it to only appear on the outline. I just don't know enough about masking as it relates to text or if I'd need some kind of shader to do it.