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I couldn’t finish the game because my boat crashed into the lighthouse when I had a lot of money :(  I thought it would stop like with the other ports but with the lighthouse, the ship kept running and it crashed. I was in the menu and just heard the boat breaking and after going out of the menu I got game over.

I liked the start of the game and the story. The journal is a great and nice touch of drawings like that in the right side of each entry.

The gameplay at 1st can feel a bit strange because if you don’t buy anything in the shop, you stay with no info about what to do or if you don’t store something in the lighthouse you don’t know about the next objective. At some point the player will buy something and leave stuff in the lighthouse since the boat can’t carry a lot at the start but for this I felt lost at the start, I didn’t buy anything and just went to wander into the sea.

I like how easy it is to get a lot of money, just buy-sell a lot of first aid and objects that cost 5 coins. I like the visuals and the music, it really fits the gloomy atmosphere of the story and the journey through the sea. (Or just keep buying-selling 1st aid in the 2 ports below the map and get a lot fast)

And, I’m not a person who tends to play this kind of game, that is a slow management game, so I’m not the best to say something about the game more than I felt it was slow for me haha. Maybe it can be relaxing or can be good to play if you have something else to watch on the side. (I’m writing this while I try to finish the game and for some reason in my second gameplay the music stopped, I tried to go to the lighthouse to store a few stuff and it happened again, it’s like the ships get into the lighthouse despite I parked far from it lol, well, if I have time after playing the list, I’ll try to finish the game)


But it’s amazing to see this game being made with web dev tools and running well, it’s magic.


Thanks for playing <3

The boats do stop at the lighthouse the tiny little rocks & islands around it are a minefield though xd.

Also make sure your boat is at a standstill and not selected when entering a building else it could drift away a bit.

The game should always let you know the next step after each quest item, if you have suggestions on new / extra lines & story points let me know. :) 

Try buying a 2nd boat soon, this can prevent an early game-over and will make the game go exponentially faster! :D

Looking forward to see you beat the game and secure a place on the leaderboard. <3 


Oooh, I see, next time I'll check my boat is standstill, I think because I click early the lighthouse did the drift into the earth haha, then tomorrow I'll try again!

And I'll let you know suggestions if I have them