I’ve actually played it a few more times, it is quite addictive, and I feel it fit the theme of the jam very well. On my first run through I think I was a bit confused about the dearth and surplus stars. Maybe the fact they were stars threw me off, but I do know it took me a few villages to realize what all the barter UI represented - but it was fairly well explained by the tool tips and at some point it all clicked. There’s always going to be a learning curve with strategy games.
I also like the log, but my only feedback there would be to have some delay or spacing in the relating of messages. A lot can populate in the log at a given time, and having some separation between events might help. I think you are headed in the right direction with the color coding.
Overall, I really enjoy it. I’d love more tile variety, some additional obstacles to overcome, and maybe larger towns, but there is only so much one can accomplish in 72 hours, and I think you did a fantastic job. Do you plan on continuing development?