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A member registered Nov 18, 2017 · View creator page →

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Amazing. I need more.

I’ve actually played it a few more times, it is quite addictive, and I feel it fit the theme of the jam very well. On my first run through I think I was a bit confused about the dearth and surplus stars. Maybe the fact they were stars threw me off, but I do know it took me a few villages to realize what all the barter UI represented - but it was fairly well explained by the tool tips and at some point it all clicked. There’s always going to be a learning curve with strategy games.

I also like the log, but my only feedback there would be to have some delay or spacing in the relating of messages. A lot can populate in the log at a given time, and having some separation between events might help. I think you are headed in the right direction with the color coding.

Overall, I really enjoy it. I’d love more tile variety, some additional obstacles to overcome, and maybe larger towns, but there is only so much one can accomplish in 72 hours, and I think you did a fantastic job. Do you plan on continuing development?

Thanks for the feedback! I totally agree with you about adding a checkpoint. It was my intention to do so (there’s one in the first area), but I simply ran out of time. It’s sort of a soft lock too because that second piece of catnip doesn’t respawn, making it impossible to get to the “end” unless done perfectly the first time. I plan on fixing that, as well as finishing out the second level and adding the third area I had planned on having.

Great game! I played through it several times. Every once in a while there would be two towns next to each other and the dearth and surplus would match up nicely, making for good profit.

Thanks! Yeah I totally left out the barriers when going left. I’ll be fixing that today.

Really loving the art style! And that cat XD

Thanks! Probably put in too much time on the art assets though, I didn’t even finish all the levels I wanted before the jam ended :( I’ll be continuing work on the game though. I’ve grown somewhat attached to it :)