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You've done fantastically! This team put together a wonderful little ode to retro 3D platformers. The visuals were beautiful, vibrant, and colorful, the music was uplifting and nostalgic, and the aspects each had distinct entertaining personalities. This game stands above the rest in multiple factors, and I commend all of you on your hard work.

The few things I could possibly say as a negative do not meaningfully detract from the experience, but may still be of note. The fixed camera movement was a little cumbersome at times, though I did grow used to it, and the time limit was a tad too strict. It doesn't give very much time to fully focus on the writing as you're more set on trying to collect everyone before the time ends, leaving you to absorb the writing more as-you-go, reading bits and pieces in moments where you can look away from navigating the level.

Nonetheless, I was still able to enjoy what of their dialogue I did read, and the game as a whole still left a magnificent impression.

Well done!


such a nnice feeback! and yes, we know, camera is eeeeviiil!