Banger. I am not surpassing the 10 second mark others have on the server leaderboard, though. 💀
Alex Wilman
Creator of
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Probably a bit late since you finished it, lol, but I did go ahead and enable the fullscreen button which itch adds by default.
...Honestly no idea why I didn't add that when I first uploaded. Maybe I thought the button would clash with my elegant ui or something. v('-')v
As for my next game, I'm gonna try my hand at making a full project again, not in the limiting scope of a jam, with more diligence to not fall into the same pit I got in between this jam and the last. So y'kno, I'll keep you posted.
Wow, you actually killed it. This feels like a complete and finished title, with a bit more content, it could be put on steam.
As for balance: Going primarily for bows seems to be a pretty dominating meta. I made it through all three areas and looped back to the forest pretty easily. Very much enjoyed my time doing so, though, so it's fine.
And as for weapon ideas... you could add guns C:
All that aside, I blew an entire hour on this and that was only one playthrough, thinking about replaying and giving knives or something a go. You did amazingly in the two weeks given.
Well done!
Quite a fun arcade shooter!
Would've been nice if there was a win screen of some sort once you beat all the waves, but there not being one also allowed me to just wander around and pick up ammo until I exploded. Seeing the particle count surrounding my character balloon to ridiculous sizes gave me a laugh.
Well done!
This project's design decisions, albeit over-scoped or ill-thought-out for the jam, gave it a unique charm and aura which I have already praised quite a bit in discord servers and comment sections abound. I encourage your desire to learn better game design, but I also must ask that you work to maintain memorability in your projects.
Learning how other's make games, as well as commonly accepted practices for design are helpful, but only so long as you use those lessons to better explore the unique personality your work currently already has. If you begin playing it too safely, or too by-the-books, your upcoming games could go from being janky but interesting, to well-made but forgettable.
For you especially, I would see that as a real shame.
Granted, your final statement hints that you in no way mean to begin making drab slop, but it also attests that games have to be fun. In response, I would simply like to emphasize that the best, most unforgettable games often balance aspects of themselves which are fun, and aspects which are very much not so. This doesn't even have to be weighted towards the enjoyable side to be... well, enjoyable, as seen in Pathologic.
That's a lot of waffling to just say, in your endeavor to make better games, I ask you to never sacrifice memorability for simple entertainment.
I can't wait to check out the Director's edition, and I really can't wait for your Petscop-inspired piece, whenever it is released.
Fun time-based collectathon sporting a hand-drawn art style and some nice music and sound effects. The game has a bit of a learning curve in deciphering exactly what you are supposed to do and how it is done, but it can be picked up pretty quickly given a failed run. Two if you've got as much of a skill issue as I do.
I enjoyed my time with it. Well done.
Couldn't get past that one level with the moving spike wall, i'm afraid TvT
The game was fun though! Adorable little pixel platformer with quite challenging (to me, at least) gameplay. The visual style is pretty to look at, and I found the rain sounds quite calming, which provided a funny contrast to me constantly dying as I try and land an extremely tricky series of jumps and "zaps". Overall the experience was pretty entertaining.
Well done!
This is insanely good!!
It actually has a gameplay loop which I don't think I have seen anywhere else, which is already unbelievably refreshing, but on top of that it is fun. Like, really fun. The loop is executed masterfully, only aided by the music and smooth, simplistic yet appealing models. It all comes together to help induce a frenetic catharsis as you sort through the quickly growing pile of items. The choice to not have a goal or quota, but rather, a high score was a very good one. You allow the difficulty to scale to the abilities of each player, ensuring the game isn't too stressful for some, nor too easy for others. Perfect for a game jam in which not much testing can be done.
Only possible issue I have with the game is that it took a bit to get started, as I wasn't able to read the tutorial text at the bottom as items start appearing a bit too quickly, covering it up. I managed to figure out how to play pretty quick, regardless, as what exactly you do is pretty obvious with context clues.
I applaud your work!
Well done!
(I got 102 btw)
I made a dumb little leaf tent in my first try, and was real proud of it, until the storm started with 80 degree winds, and everything including marvin went flying off of the map.
So needless to say that was hilarious. The game was a bit difficult, and I would have liked it to not be so RNG-based, what with the windspeeds and what you get from the shops both being random, from what I could tell. But other that that it was an entertaining little experience of trying to keep a little goober from flying off the map.
Well done.
My character's tires have to have been smoothed out to look pretty or something because if I breathe on a turning key I spin out. Wonky car controls aside, this game was honestly amazing. From the grungy chill pizza making to the frenetic rush through the war-torn streets of the most peaceful area in Brooklyn. The actual cooking part is more of a nice break from the stress of the deliveries, where the real challenge lies, accentuating the games theme of "the calm before the storm".
It's a masterpiece of a game delivered in merely a week, earning you a bonus of five stars in multiple categories.
Well done.
The link to the jam theme is a bit loose, but aside from that, And it could've used even louder and more obnoxious sound design to really sell the comedy, but aside from those minor gripes, this game was short, sweet, to the point, and most importantly, very fun. Had a stupid grin on my face as I navigated the absurdly cluttered alleyways with all the grace and tact of a roomba falling down stairs.
Well done.
Took me like an hour to "survive the storm", but that's fine, I just played it like an idle game while watching youtube. I honestly really like these sorts of management games, especially when they feature any sort of economy systems. Don't know why, just think they're neat. Also certainly didn't expect to see a game with the 'Sid Meiers Pirates' gameplay loop of running a shipping company.
The fact that I did play an hour should tell you all you need to know. I really enjoyed it. Audio design was minimal, but good, same with the visuals, and the gameplay loop was relaxing and very nice.
Well done!
Nostalgia mode makes the audio way worse and adds the sound of your parents arguing in the background...
So that's gonna be a five stars for audio lmao. Never expected that as a feature in a game. The actual game is pretty fun too. I wish there was more and the waves kept increasing in numbers, but at some point only 1 enemy spawns every round and the game sort of falls flat at that point.
Up until then, though, it was a wonderful little tower defense game with great visuals and a relatively fun, if somewhat unexplored, gameplay loop.
Well done.
Man am I terrible at horror games. That, or the game was just very difficult. Probably the latter. This was a pretty good and pretty scary experience. You've done well with the lighting and the mechanic of the monster hopping around randomly when lightning strikes. More than once I was searching through a room only to have him pop up right in front of me, eliciting some very embarrassing reactions as I quickly scrambled out of the rooms.
Things I can complain about being thusly:
-The flashlight runs through power a bit too quickly, many runs I had to intentionally die and restart as I was wholly unable to effectively navigate once I ran out of batteries.
-The camera's motion smoothing made controlling the character very tedious and difficult. That would not be much of an issue if most of the things you interact with weren't tiny objects like keys or batteries... but they are, and their collision boxes are quite unforgiving.
Other than that the game was quite alright. Your team did a good job making a full-fledged indie horror game. The type of thing I would see in a video by Markiplier or some other gaming youtuber.
Well done.
You've done fantastically! This team put together a wonderful little ode to retro 3D platformers. The visuals were beautiful, vibrant, and colorful, the music was uplifting and nostalgic, and the aspects each had distinct entertaining personalities. This game stands above the rest in multiple factors, and I commend all of you on your hard work.
The few things I could possibly say as a negative do not meaningfully detract from the experience, but may still be of note. The fixed camera movement was a little cumbersome at times, though I did grow used to it, and the time limit was a tad too strict. It doesn't give very much time to fully focus on the writing as you're more set on trying to collect everyone before the time ends, leaving you to absorb the writing more as-you-go, reading bits and pieces in moments where you can look away from navigating the level.
Nonetheless, I was still able to enjoy what of their dialogue I did read, and the game as a whole still left a magnificent impression.
Well done!
You know, anxiety would be a lot easier to beat if I could cast fireball at it.
Quip aside, game was quite fun. Suddenly realizing you can right-click to do a block/parry/stun was a fun experience, and the game overall gave the vibe of one of those quirky rpg maker games. I would have rather not had to do a dark-souls style runback after every time I died to the boss, but that's probably more of a skill issue on my part.
Your team did great. Well done.
A mesmerizing contemplative experience of color and emotion. The background track fit the games liminal memory-wandering vibe perfectly, really immersing me in the dream-like feel as I read the disjointed thoughts of the unseen narrator I presume I play as.
I have few minor gripes. A restart button would've come in handy as I found myself getting stuck in a wall or falling off the map, and I found the sensitivity a bit too high for my liking. (comedically fitting, considering your thoughts of the sensitivity in mine being too low)
None of these nitpicks take away from my enjoyment of the game to any meaningful degree, of course. This game has soul, and I commend you on your work to display that.
Well done.
Why you're gonna make me blush.
But, seriously, thank you. While it may have turned out sounding like it was done "professionally", it was my first time even approaching the concept of voice acting. Sorry to hear the peaking audio may have taken a bit from the experience.
Happy to hear the game left such a good impression on you, despite it's shortcomings.
Well aware the gameplay was... quite lacking, I was restricted by time and my goals with this jam more focused around having a game with a definitive ending, better visuals, and actual audio, all of which my first game did not have.
Nearing the latter half of the jam I realized this project would be lacking in any meaningful interaction or player expression, but was too deep in to change course.
Rest assured, in my next game, I'll endeavor to make it... well, an actual game. A fun one.
Your criticism and suggestions are helpful in cementing the need for that, thank you.
I'll check out your game when I return from work.
Here you go! I'm real proud of this one
Here's another to add to the pile. It's an uber short story-based project. Hope you like it if you play it!
A bit late, I know, but I'll still put this here.
I liked what I could play, but I'm afraid that was not very much. On my browser, holding right click and moving the mouse is how to do a bunch of shortcuts, like reload, previous page, or next page, so it was hard to actually interact with stuff in the game.
I got past the clock section and then to a bomb but that is about it :L
To reiterate, though, I enjoyed the graphics, music, and what little interaction I could manage. Good job, but next time when doing a web game I would urge only using left click as a mouse input.
Expelled multiple times as I am apparently unable to do the most basic math when under a strict time limit. Eventually beat it though, I enjoyed it! I love these stressful but in an insane and fun way sorts of experiences.
Well done.
I would recommend publishing the game as an executable rather than a zip file, as it stands I couldn't install it through the desktop app, instead having to go through my browser, which was a lot more clunky.
A fantastic game about a strange world and one broken person within it. Atmosphere was dripping from the stark contrasting colors, and the narration uttered by the few handful of characters. I loved the choice to take heavy inspiration from Disco Elysium in terms of the dialogue and dialogue system. I particularly hated the skeleton man as I am sure I was meant to. He is the mocking voice of doubt and indulgence which so plagues the mind of the troubled artist we follow. I found great entertainment in trying to choose the options that may lead the protagonist away from his cruel influence.
I greatly enjoyed experiencing this game. You should be very proud for what you accomplished in a mere week.
Well done.