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I played gatogag to see what the inspiration for this system was and saw what you guys were talking about. I think the main difference between the wall jump in this and gatogag was that gatogags wouldn't allow you to slide on the wall you jumped from as well. This made sense as in addition to not being able to slide, there was a visual component of the character facing away from the wall no matter what and being unable to grab the wall. I think a visual component would help immensely. Also thought there was a cooldown cause I sometimes randomly got back the jump after staying on a wall too long. Might be misremembering though I wouldn't look too into it. For a first platformer I have to say this was great though! Got to ask though. Why did you make the hitbox of the flower so big? Or did you guys use the same one you used for your character body's collision. If that's the case, I advice making those two separate, as to allow more flexibility in your future testing (like reducing the hitbox if that was what you guys wished to do). The storm mechanic could definitely be cool. I think the concept is excellent. Personally though I think the implementation was more inconvenient than enjoyable. Don't let that discourage you guy's from running with it though. I think this game has great potential and I'm glad you guys (the devs) are so open to feedback.


There are actually 4 different hitboxes for the player (screen transition, the one in case you get stuck in the wall and character body 2d one), don’t actually know why I made spikes collider so big, need to decrease it in the next update. Yes, completely agree, visual cue would help a lot, I’ll make it too. About cooldown, it shouldn’t be that way, that’s weird, might be some sort of bug. I think better level design and higher anger timer would make storm more enjoyable.