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A member registered Feb 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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SO here's some constructive criticism. 

 1) The camera. You say that the game is pixel perfect, but all that meant is that moving diagonally looked really jittery. So.... why make it pixel perfect in the first place if the only effect on gameplay is a negative. A smooth camera is way more important and also simple to implement.

2) The art. Visual inconsistency is a very common trap to fall into when using a outsourced tile set and I do think it takes away from the game. The houses walls work alright with the outside and flooring, but the character looks insanely out of place. When the game takes place looking at the player all the time, it's important to make the player look... good. It currently doesn't, and I think it'd be better to spend time making a good looking player over a good looking bird for instance. The bird has animations while the player doesn't.... why don't we play as a bird at that point?

3) The gameplay. Welp it's just "walking" around, which could be fine if there was more to interact with, or if walking didn't hurt my eyes from the jittering. I did like the bird and stuff, but it's severely lacking in content or polish. Overall it feels like there was just a lack of effort to make a FUN or at least relaxing game. More thought needs to be put into making the gameplay loop more polished, then expanding on the environment. The lack of effort is most obvious on the thumbnail, where you just freehand wrote "Tranquility" over a screenshot of the game in some sort of image editor.

4) The sound. The music that you made was... not great but a good attempt was made and I respect that. However, you completely forgot to loop the music. I chose the second track for my playthrough, and was met with silence after getting out of the house. No environmental noise also hugely took away from the experience. A simple bird chirping sound or leaves rustling in the wind are so important for a game that wants you to relax in nature. Walking up to the lake, I should've heard something. Either a calming sound starting, small waves and water sloshing, bugs buzzing.... anything. These sound implementations can take like half an hour and should've honestly taken priority in a game with this focus.

What I did like:

The music box was a cool implantation and surprising in a game made in a week (but it worries me about your priorities when making the game considering all the stuff listed prior)

Birb hehe

The overall environment was pretty if it was a screenshot. It being completely static is a bit eh though. A slight breeze for the trees or a flower or two would make it way comfier.

Textboxes/font felt good

Hoped this helped for your next project. It's important to learn and have respect for your own time/effort, otherwise you can waste time redoing past mistakes that take away from your portfolio.

I love how fun it is to get new weapons. Only thing i wish is the game would get harder over time, but it was just the same enemies that my 4 special katanas minced in 2 turns haha. Loved it, great work.

its so fun. ITS SO FUN

Very enjoyable and not easy in the slightest. You weren't lying when you said resource management, but it was just the right amount of challenging in my opinion. Im not exactly sure how the busters work on their own though, id prefer them to go into unoccupied houses if possible, but they usually hovered around the house they were birthed at making a lot of clumps i wish were streamlined. Great entry!

It looks and feels so good wth. Everything feels so clean, including how the player moves in gameplay. Although not the most interesting gameplay wise, the polish just oozes over it and makes it an actually fun time. Fantastic entry (also a solo endeavor with this much quality sound and art and ui is nutty)

Atmosphere was everything. Pretty spooky with the possession mechanic putting you into the eyes of the monster? That was really cool. Great entry. Loved the style

The controls felt great and what you did with minimal visuals popped very nicely. The shaders doing the most on this one haha. Very fun getting upgrades and the ranged enemies had insane aim. Great entry.

Looks and feels fantastic. The atmosphere and shaders are just beautiful and the game feels very responsive. Only thing I wish was some sort of navigation as I got lost frequently and just running around at a medium pace with your environment being pretty much the same throughout wasn't great. Regardless, phenomenal entry. Great job

Very quality game. The crunch when controlling the fish just makes it. Graphically looks great as well. One of the best short and sweet entries (just wish i could buy bait). Great job!

Very cute game. Loved the little enemy guys and the game itself was also really fun. Comboing the flips into more movement letting you get more flips was just great. Only thing I wish you could do was bounce side to side by landing at an angle but that might make even more problems haha. Great entry!

Animal Well was definitely something I had in mind while drawing them yup lol. Seems like feedback on hit and getting hit is lacking as many have said that (combat loop too but I think that has more to do with the enemy ai/hitboxes). Thanks for playing! Appreciate it

Funny part about the fog of war was its implantation was to stop you from getting lost rather than obscuring the level haha. Glad it worked though and elevated the experience. Thanks for playing!

Definitely could use some more feedback throughout the whole game haha. Regardless, thanks for the feedback and glad you enjoyed!

Thanks for playing! The enemies are definitely brutal if you don't space yourselves correctly. Changing up the ai and making it feel less "they just swarm you" would have been something we'd love to add if we had more time, and also fix up that issue haha. Glad you enjoyed!

Thanks for enjoying! The enemy tediousness feels like a problem I have to agree. It feels like its not only a problem with tankiness, but also a problem of the enemy ai being too basic to provide continuous interesting combat. If we continue to develop after the jam it's definitely something to change. Also sucks that the chests felt rare. The different weapons are what we thought were the most fun part of the game. Thanks for playing our game and the feedback!

Super glad you enjoyed it enough to explore the weapon variety. Different map variation would be a super nice thing to add if we didn't over scope on weapon and enemy variety haha. Good to know about the dash (looks like thats a common complaint), and yea we wish the stairs crash just... didnt exist haha. Glad you enjoyed!

Wanted to finish the game, but sadly the big timer obscuring whatever is in front of me was too big of a turn off. The vibe is pretty interesting though. Good job submitting!

Exquisite sound track

I gamwe ovetg on the stage with the spikes on the ceiling D: Very cool though. Once I figured out what was going on it was actually pretty fun, and the music nice. Good job!

Very good looking game for the amount of time we got. Definitely sparse on content though, as its just 2 enemies with the same pattern of movement. Other than new content, I suggest making the bullets area 2D's rather than whatever they actually were. Having them collide with the karma on the ground felt very out of place. Having a mobile version though is sick. Good job!

Time to make the worst games as a collective I simply cannot wait

(1 edit)

hmmm quite perplexing


Very fun with high amounts of polish. The ONLY thing I didn't enjoy was the jump sound. Felt like it was way too loud compared to the music and there wasn't a menu to adjust it. Other than that, fantastic work. Looks great, plays great. Well done.

This all being your own art is fantastic. The world feels alive and the animations are fantastic. Only thing that looks just ok are the enemies. Gameplay was pretty fun, although the transitions and main game all felt a tad slow. I felt like I wasn't able to kill the blue enemies as they were permanently stuck to the right side of the screen. Some music in addition would be great in the fishing sections to make it a little less lonely feeling. Overall, very cool game though. Fantastic entry!

Very neat game. A lot of it does looks great and I enjoy the animation work a lot. Same with the vfx when you slow time. Super cool. I think a little more of an explanation would've been nice, as I was tossed into the game pretty quick but it was fun overall. Great job!

Very pretty textures by Octoshrimpy, however I wish you animated the liquid textures even the slightest amount yourself, even if they weren't initially made by you (with a dripping noise would've been fantastic). Seeing earie frozen waterfalls really takes away from how nice the vibe of the game was. Other than that I really did quite enjoy the atmosphere. The ambience was great and it was very pretty. Movement was alright but felt a little stiff, but still definitely passable. Levels though were kind of just hold right and jump most of the time, which didn't feel like they fit the platformer type of gameplay I think you were going for.  Also, a lot of people have mentioned the background being confusing and I wholeheartedly agree. It's much too vivid of a green outline to not confuse with the main platforms. Otherwise, great game I did enjoy playing it. Good job!

I don't know if I should be happy because the game was engaging enough to play for half an hour or sad because my level design was way harder than I intended it to me.... I'll be happy because it looks like you enjoyed haha. Thanks for playing!


The zap levels were definitely very difficult haha. Glad you enjoyed!

Thank you for the kind and thoughtful response! Really appreciate it. Zap mechanic I can definitely see needing an animation :D

Pffft Ill take the kind words. Will definitely check yours out then!

Glad you liked it!

367 seconds. Super fun platforming challenge, although I think the wall being so bouncy is more annoying than a fun challenge. That's the only thing I'd probably change. Other than that though. Beautiful, sounds good, interesting mechanic, and cool atmosphere. Fantastic entry. Great job!

Glad you liked it! I made it specifically to feel good to speed run(although its very light on actual movement tech I want to add more in the future). I think the zap having an animation would also be very valid. Will look into it. Thanks for playing!

I really did enjoy this platformer. The movement felt pretty precise, and the storm mechanic did change the pace of the gameplay. Only thing that would've been nice was a new movement option to spice up the platforming, but that's my opinion. Great entry! (Going to jail at the end was a funny addition lol)

Appreciate the kind words! I'm really glad you enjoyed. Thanks for playing!


Definitely agree with a more smooth introduction to the zaps, and I'll be sure to try and fix the zap glitching into the wall issue. Glad you enjoyed! Appreciate it.

Great entry and amazing this was built without engine. My main issue would definitely be the speed of the game, but apart from that, it was a great entry. Beautiful art and atmosphere with a very intriguing start. Fantastic job!