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A member registered Feb 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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Glad you enjoyed! And I'm sad that moving back a screen was an issue. I initially caught that when playtesting pretty late, and my quick bandaid fix was having a little wall preventing you from moving left right next to the respawn. Looks like it wasn't effective enough though as there was still an issue. Thanks for the feedback! Ill see what I can update post jam. Thanks for playing!

Surprising amount of upgrades haha. Cool vampire survivors game. Was a little difficult but hey that just makes it more interesting. Great job Especially for your first complete project. Had a lot of fun :) 

Thanks for enjoying! And i completely agree with your nitpick. Alot of the death oriented element were made fairly last minute (like the thunder respawning on death) and it passed my mind when I was in a massive rush. Will definitely update that post jam :)

Very cool art and interesting concept! The combat felt clunky though. I think it's due to how much lag there is in-between each swing, and there being no visual indicator as to when you're swing is back up. Very cool project! Still had a lot of fun and I though you guys excelled in a lot of areas! Fantastic job.

When the first customers came in I started giggling. Very funny idea and the execution is great. Very fun, very well designed. Overall fantastic job!

Thanks for enjoying! I really do like the ending even if it is simple so I'd love for you to see it at some point. Glad you tried it at all though. I know it get's pretty tough.

Thank you for the kind words! Appreciate it :D

(1 edit)

Thank you for the kind words and I take feedback in stride lol. I definitely think the screen difficulty is very all over the place as well. I need to see people playtest more to figure out what exactly is harder than what in the future, as I am way more versed in the game (I play tested for like 5 hours lmfaooo) everything seems simple. With the zap, I'm not sure exactly what would feel inconsistent, but I'll definitely look into it. It might just be that the introduction of the mechanic was rushed and didn't give time to flesh out the mechanics feeling before being thrown for a loop. Thank you for the review though. Appreciate it and glad you enjoyed!

Still glad you gave it a shot though. Thanks for playing! I'm glad people are liking the art because I've never done art before. I just recently started for games and I think I'm improving! In the future I do want to make something for accessibility purposes for people who aren't well versed in precision platformers though. Don't want to limit my audience from the get go.

Thank you very much for playing! I'm glad my levels felt well designed :)

I appreciate the kind words immensely. Means a lot. Super glad you enjoyed :D

Glad you enjoyed and I'm so happy someone finally posted their time/death count lolol. As for the last screen, i do it with one zap as well lol. I think I left one in for leniency sake if someone were to use theirs early, but the last screen was very open ended (probably have to do more testing to figure out if that's a good thing). Thanks for playing!

I enjoyed this short story very much. The vibe was just right, and two people facing death together was very beautiful. Fantastic entry, although there wasn't much game I enjoyed it nonetheless. Well done!

Loved the little mini tasks before the storm. Felt super peaceful and serene. Was having a lot of fun with this one, especially accompanied by the very nice graphics. Fantastic  job!

This was a really unique on for sure! Interpreting people's responses to figure out their background was weirdly a lot of fun haha. Getting the poster wrong was a nice surprise for sure as well. Overall fantastic entry. Have nothing to say about it except for it being a super cool experience. Great job!

I think you're definitely on to something :/ Seems just like blatant review farming or whatever the term would be

Super cool graphics an the audio was fantastic. Big fan of the artistic aspects of the game. My only issue was that the actual gameplay (collecting) was basically doing the same thing over and over again, and the tedious part (walking between the trees and the lighthouse) got longer and longer. I think with games like these the progression should make the menial tasks easier, like some way to automate the collecting, or an upgrade to speed. Outside of the tediousness though, it was a great project. Well done! By far one of the nicest presentations I played.

Really cool rhythm game! Had a lot of fun getting into the flow state with the very relaxing audio. Great job!

Looks great, but can't play D: Can't wait to see the full game when you update it! Very very nice pixel art though.

Very cool mechanic that felt really good to pull off. Only thing I wished was for the attack to be linked to the mouse so I could attack behind me. Still great little top down action experience. The last scene was especially chaotic, but like the description said if you calmed down it was very simple. Great entry! Had a lot of fun with this one.

I'm glad it motivated you to go again! My first thought would be that it would allow people in the comments to share and compare times, but that hasn't happened just yet haha. Thanks for playing!

Very interesting puzzles. I like the mechanics a lot, but the audio was pretty loud and no music made the game feel kind of empty. Overall though, great job!

SO happy I implemented that r to restart at the last second haha. I'm glad it helped and thank you for the kind words!

Apppreciate the feedback. Thanks for playing!

Fun little experience. I sadly glitched out of the map when trying to kill a pig though and lost all my progress :/ (was playing on browser which wasn't recommended). Great job though!

Thank you so much for the kind words. Glad you enjoyed!

Very cool puzzle game, and the dialogue and art is all very cute. Great experience. The only thing I feel could definitely be improved is a fast forward feature of some kind. The later sequences make watching the previous ones all the more tedious. Overall great job!

This was a super fun experience! Fantastic job! Definitely one of the most polished and well put together games yet.

Great job with the ambience and the art. Absolutely loved it. My only two critiques would be that there were too many levels that made you do the same thing over and over again due to jellyfish spawning and the bottom of the character's hitbox was lower than the sprite. The jellies were cool idea for sure, but it gets annoying as the character does move pretty slowly. The hitbox also makes a cool floating effect but it feels bad when you miss a jump you thought you cleared. Loved the green launching thingies and everything else though. One of the better games I've played for sure. Great job! (also we have a similar character design lmao its pretty easy to animate :D)

First time I got destroyed, and the second time I destroyed haha. Very good idea and the execution was great as well. Only critique I have is that the movement can feel weirdly unprecise at times, and movement in the hydra section was very hard due to the multitude of platforms. Great game though had a lot of fun. Fantastic job!

It's definitely supposed to be very difficult, but unforgiving was not what I was going for. Sorry about that. Wish I could've fleshed out the difficulty curve better. Thank you for the kind words though and I'll be sure to see what I can do to make the game more accessible after the game jam is over. Thanks for playing!

Very cool concept. I think this gameplay loop is a very fun idea! I liked how many upgrades. There was definitely a good amount of progression to be made, but I didn't get too far before I accidentally ran out of fuel and died haha. Great job!

This was an absolutely fantastic little rogue like. Super cool idea with great execution. By far one of my favorite in the  jam. Can't wait for more updates. Great job! 

Very cute! I like the concept a lot and the dinosaurs all looked pretty good. Only feedback I can give is definitely to make things more clearer. Either with tutorials, or even highlighting interactables. I think that can really help with the confusion of knowing what to do. Great job though. Had some fun before the t rex absolutely destroyed my stegosaurus lolol.

Thank you very much for playing :D I understand the difficulty curve right now is pretty steep. After the game jam period, I might go back and ease out the difficulty curve to let people learn more before trying the hard stuff. Glad you liked it though!

Definitely haha. I love celeste, and was doing my best to capture that same feel without also feeling like a straight copy. I hope you try it again! I really do like the ending of the game, even if it really basic. Wind mechanics might be in the works soon hehe. Thinking about how to make it more fun and less annoying though lol

Ah for sure. Thanks for playing and glad you like it :D

I appreciate the kind words and the feedback. I'll definitely playtest the physics a little more after the game jam period ended to see what feels nicer. Thanks for playing!

Super glad you liked it! Thanks for checking it out :D

Damn you were so close. I think that was one of the final screens, but I get that the scaling is pretty brutal. (Also definitely should have made a wall climb tutorial. Ran out of time). Thank you very much for the kind words though! Appreciate it