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Wow, another example of an open dialogue between a fan who cared enough to not only make their feelings heard, but put in the care to sound tactful and respectful. It's a real delight to read through and a real  course on "Active development" and "Consumer Feedback" as only software development updates can embody it.

It makes one wonder how much rude and hateful comments are merely people venting because with most other games and products "They know nobody is listening".

Off topic, but it reminds me of the irony of the Mcdonalds Company President. You would think he would eat it every day if he devoted his life to the company, however you know most likely he never set foot into one as a customer with his salary. Or like how the walmart president likely doesn't own a thing from walmart ...

The creator is a person who takes his game seriously and you know nobody has spent more hours playing it than him.