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Delusion Drive - Easy Street Adjacent

A member registered Jul 15, 2023 · View creator page →

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I was instantly drawn in by the dark Hand drawn character art.

Perfectly matching a dark brooding poet game style.

I cannot help but be reminded of Fear and Hunger when i see the art.

I sincerely hope you can reference or tie into the fear and hunger games within.

Still unpacking, but the style and theme alone warrants a five star.

Ill be back to let ya know how it goes, ya!


A game where the characters are actually animals, 

I cant help but wonder if me, the main character, is also an animal.

This has great potential, for combining cool animals, explosive colors,

and collectible trading cards all into one.

(Though likely a poor combination in real life:)

Here it works great though.

Stick with it and i see you getting a page on GOG in the near future kiddo.

Wow, another example of an open dialogue between a fan who cared enough to not only make their feelings heard, but put in the care to sound tactful and respectful. It's a real delight to read through and a real  course on "Active development" and "Consumer Feedback" as only software development updates can embody it.

It makes one wonder how much rude and hateful comments are merely people venting because with most other games and products "They know nobody is listening".

Off topic, but it reminds me of the irony of the Mcdonalds Company President. You would think he would eat it every day if he devoted his life to the company, however you know most likely he never set foot into one as a customer with his salary. Or like how the walmart president likely doesn't own a thing from walmart ...

The creator is a person who takes his game seriously and you know nobody has spent more hours playing it than him.

That is true.

You see this one typing detailed answers with bullet points, like it's their job to keep us happy or something, when we have already received something cool for free. 

This is the true wonder of sites like ITch with free distribution.

I feel like the majority of people do not review, or even rate, titles, but it's always important to leave a "Hey, this is cool , and this worked out well" sortof a message.

Surely we can all understand how somebody getting only " suggestions", however well meaning, can be a bit draining. Ironically, this can be doubly true when the suggestions have a true and valid point.

I feel no soft shows remarkable grace, as the commentators show equal restraint (or vice versa?), in hearing out these "suggest-icisms", without bending their creative vision.

On the flip side, no other game or studio has creators actively listening and responding to fans.

When i made a comment about the lighter mechanic and got a response that was the first time I felt my input was directly heard on a project.

That was a founding moment for me in regards to this site, as somebody who stays away from all social media, memes, and podcasts....

It's little tricks like this that are hard to set up with randomized encounters that make a run thankfully easier and make up for runs that are stacked against you from the start.

Once in a while it's refreshing to kick ass.

I dont think the game needs to be any harder per see.

It's already pretty close in terms of learning curve to fear and hunger.

I made sure to reference and link this game on several reedits on game mechanics and rpg design...

In my post i compared how modern horror games with advanced graphics all reach a point where they start looking like each other (The more realistic the graphics the less variety you can put  in, after all, its designed to look REAL)

This was the horror game i referenced when stating that while big budget games can sometimes only hold interest if somebody actually paid a 50$ pricetag and quieting would lose that investment.

However games like this, virtually free, with no advertising or sunk cost, and under 200mb, I will gladly spend 2 - 3 straight days playing... 

Even when in early, or alpha release...

Ill do my part to spread the word. 

Again, Thank you.

Such an innovative use of the computer pixel art format to tell a story, Wow.

I would lament how few comments there are here, but i Know it is simply because Itch is nowhere near as popular as fandom and wiki sites...

Cough Cough (Donation only COntent) Cough! {totally free Distribution without Charge} Cough

As a linear Piece of Fiction this title it would be boring presented as a youtube video, a cartoon, or as a comic or ebook. No Offense. I Love it...

 But by promoting it in the Format of a GAME by letting you pick the answers (even if the game, Like Dr. Kreugar, sometimes doesnt care what they are:) we can have a say in what happens. Through This freedom to interact with the doctor this experience gains a fourth layer of depth (the Fourth Dimension, 4D)

Any game, no matter the length, where upon finishing it your first instinct is suddently "Lets Play again, see what changed, and is there more", deserves 5 stars.

I would love to know what engine made this work, maybe Godot?

BTW, whenever i need music for my stuff i visit - they're free, with over 2000 tracks, and really just happy for their music to be incluided. 

Or maybe my own profile for sounds, more than half of which are free of charge.

Hell, if you give me a theme with 2 or 3 examples,  I will gladly put a sound package for your to use, no cost, for the credit alone.

If any packages turn out to be helpful just a rating or comment would mean lots from the founder of a game like this.

Lastly, many user here do search for free or new games, music, or art. When work goes up for a price, without a massive following, it can very often get as many as 0 views for a week, or even a month. On the other hand, a free release can easily cross 250 views a week even on a new unknown account, but even at a 50% download rate (125downloads/250views) they may still only recieve donations at a rate of only 2% i.e. 6 people out of 250 Views.

It's important to keep in mind Itch is relatively new. Many people visting dont even have an account. Those people may view and download content, but would be unable to save, rate, or buy content even if they wanted to. This is more about exposure and about getting as many people as possible to experiance and respond to your creations. 

If those people have little means to purchase digital media, then we can stil help them by making distribution easier.                                                                                   

The Main point...

I was looking up new games and theres gonna be some Market Damage on account of a new game published by Longplay Studios in late August 2024. As it is titled

Terminus: Zombie Survivors ... 

It is Obvious how google, youtube, and steam searches will be diluted because if this titles release. Unfortunate, i know, as hopefully it is early enough that they can change the Terminus part with little effort.

Despite a 2d, simple, procedural generation on the top down style which is inferior to the pixel art of fear and hunger, it has already garnered 2500 positive reviews. It is truly unfortunate how well it performs in just about 2 weeks since release.

However, in other news i 'am mad Excited over the new Pier and boardwalk areas rumored to be upcoming in the new update. Plus randomizing Effigy locations by adding another 3 is a big bonus for replayability... I have always had to psych myself up to enter the apartments as, creepiness aside, entering the rher dimension was risky and somewhat repetitive ... 

No other horror game has so much hinging on your ability to kick the ass of a washing machine, Lol

I was pleased to find out that the washing machine had roughly 3 codes which repeat between playthroughs, if you look it up. 

Though I always wondered if there's any incentive to winning the hangman game. Especially since the first time I picked "Dog", so i thought it was broken as the letters filled in and nothing happened. Kind of like when my first character was Olivia, so when the janitor took her legs i noticed no change.

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Well that isn't very nice...

Itch is defiantly one of those 

"If you dont like it, don't get it"

kind of deals.

I mean most of the people are here to share their assets they end up not using themselves, that could go to waste otherwise...

It should be appreciated whenever someone has the drive to get out there and give back to the community...

Especially for (almost) free.

 If only every designer did the same.

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I dont think thats very considerate...

Asking the creator of his own game why he doesnt

let you download and play Linux.

I mean, he's already made a cool original horror game

called "Redemption of Lies", and even includes

a free download, bless his heart!

Here you are asking where you 

can download and play "Linux"...

Shame on you, Sleepy hollow, shame...

He was cool enough to find it for you even.


(2 edits)

My main and only concern is;

if i wanted to share a key with a new follower or somebody whose products could benefit from my own tools,

and i shared a key, say, via comment, to allow them a free download of an asset, 

do the keys work for a set duration of time or do they need to manually be turned off.

In order to prevent too many strangers from also downloading your tool.

(I wouldn't mind a couple of readers also using the key as iam sure those people normally wouldnt have found my site anyways, 

and sharing tools or assets with people who would not have bought them anyways seems a small price to pay to support a fellow developer) 

Would these keys have a limit on "the number of redemptions"?

I assume this is not the case as of the paragraph stressing the "Hard to guess" nature...

I would greatly appreciate being able to generate single use keys, 

as then the ability to regulate their uses or ensuring secrecy, 

as well as having to make them hard to guess/crack. would not be a problem. 

Hence, if you wanted to distribute more than a handful (Say 10-50 for people who donated within the last month. for example)

you could generate 10-50 keys, and send them to 10-50 people.

Free to do so without worry as they would automatically  become inactive once redeemed, 

leading to zero management or follow up

from Itch or the developer. 

Especially as i periodically get comments, or see posts on other assets, or even find development logs from gamers where i think

"Hey, this person sure could use my files or tools themselves."

Also, I am sure i am not the only one who finds comments on assets talking about the demo versions 

in a way where you know "Cost is an issue" for them, and you just wanna send them a key to be nice...

you know...

Also, anybody remember 

"The Marvelous Adventures of Flapjack" ? Such as the Cuddling episode iam watching now

"Look on the brightside Flapjack,

 you're a sicko, and iam sure there a circus owner out there who you will make very rich someday"...


"I know i know, take the boy to the candy barrel and cheer him up"

"No captain, I am gonna stay here and beat this thing" (Night cuddling)

"Alright, them I am gonna go to the candy barrel

 and cheer you up"

I, being English (UK) and using windows, did not know so many had problems running the game. The only times i ran into region locking was when running several unofficial translations for Japanese games. (Japan and China love region locking games) I always get original releases cuz I hate steam Forcing PC users into a Monopoly where games dont exist unless they cooperate with steam (Plus, they always censor games and Visual novels)...

It's like, Watching the Titanic where Leo and Kate play a long lost brother and sister pair.  Then they end up arm wrestling on the car and taking a photo together instead of the painting scene. 

To run games from other countries i used an Asian Locale Emulator. 

However this is a popular one that should allow a list of countries if you set up the profile for it's country of origin.

While i cannot help much with the translations, unless making a Russian Edition, if the creator can provide the raw text files, with a reversible guide on how to extract the text files that can be flipped to put them back. Would that be enough to start the process?

I can take a look at the files and see what i can come up with.

Assuming the creator does not object.

What i can do is, I do sound effects work with a studio which mainly does dubbing of videos and games, especially into other languages (They do not translate at the moment ).

As a proof on concept I can select a character route and a voice actor, then try to dub his spoken lines into audible speech.

If such a thing can gain support, i can provide a video showing the concept, and potentially consider doing so for the full game...

As ive been considering my next writing project to be a script for an animated series based on Terminus.

Excerpt of real conversation with Audio Engineer;

"Oh Alex, you are so smart and talented, I wish everybody I knew was as smart and handsome as you!"

"Thank you beautiful person also named Alex, only another equally smart person would realize how true such a statement is..."

"Of Course, such a thing should be obvious too all, I've even decided to chose a user name just like yours as a tribute to your greatness" 

"Really, you shouldn't have. As Iam so loyal and humble I'am left speechless by the length you have gone to state the facts of my abilities so plainly"

"Speechless... You? Well, than I will take advantage of your good nature and make passionate love to you for what i' am certain will be a very long time"

Dictated, recorded, read, and transcribed through the Delusion Drive Fan Club... 

(1 edit)

Very worthwhile. I would only suggest releasing a single or dual frame as a demo download. TO see if the format matches the resources they are currently working with and to ensure these are compatible with their game maker of choice. With pixel art a renpy visual novel will need many more backgrounds. But a game maker or rpg maker game title will benefit from this asset pack. By using a series of backgrounds one becomes committed to the style, which means somebody will likely have to have plenty more backgrounds all in the same style to be able to continue on their project. If you intend to continue it would be helpful to eventually release themed packs (Summer/winter, day/night, rain/shine) for different tones of games.

1 More thing i forgot. 

So the other day i found a giant (3.5gb) Visual Novel by an indie developer on here,

with characters that stayed in my minds eye.

This horror title reminded me about that message i said about making a horror themed asset pack.

So yesterday (Seems so far away) I started assembling and finishing my Spooky Sounds pack.

If you would like, i will gladly send you a copy of the final release.

Just in case, i guess ill make a separate folder with relevant sounds

I.E. Lighter, Axe, Gunshots, attacks, and being attacked, that sort of thing.

No need for any sort of payment. But to be helpful.

if so you can either send me a mail (delusiondrive gmail)

or name a date, and ill make it free for that day.

(1 edit)

I appreciate the reply. 

I am unpacking it now, 

as i've has another one of those "Wake up at 5am and spend 12 hours at the desk"

kind of days. Cuz i woke up and decided to make a release of Horror Sound effects.

Then, 12 hours later, i finally had it done, and fell asleep.

As seeing your title,  coupled with the last game i played "no eye softs" no skin man,

both made me feel the horror indie genre could add some fun variety to conventional sound work, 

horror theme of this release.

I will gladly send you the new sounds pack to check out,

at your leisure, in case there is anything of use for your work.

Well, you should have my email by now :)

so if you send a message

ill be able to send a copy.

Any additional packs you see, just drop me a comment and ill send it to you.

I got the feeling alot of the added rooms skewed the randomness, since i got the feeling they actually made the game more difficult. LIkely to make up to it getting easier as you learn more. The added variety was a logical and smart move to allow repeated replays to feel fresh.

 They definitely did not seem boring.

While learning the games secrets helped  In a very "Fear and Hunger" sort of way. I've only played the updated version and Iam happy to hear the steam release is coming! 

I hope you make lotsandlots of money!!!

I love the character designs. 

Iam going to go through the game as

my very next break from work.

I wonder if it has at all a Higurashi vibe

(Where everything seems innocent for like an hour, before gets real, and i mean REAL!)

This is the first release i genuinely wished to pay for

(I had an old card on file, then had to plan to update my info) but once thats done...

When it comes to VN's you can guess the approximate length by file size by around 

7.7 hours per GB, divided by the number of endings + 1/2 of Hours before reaching the first branch point.

Ill let you know if it holds true here.

But 3.5gb for an indie release is a big deal.

Visual novels came a long way when the engine started pulling a select background for every scene from a pool, as opposed to the old days where each scene was manually added to each background. I.E. If there were 100 lines of dialogue in a classroom, the game would save 100 images of the characters in a classroom, with a different line per image. Where as now the dialogue is generated independently of the background and music, so each dialogue is keyed to a background that is pulled from a pool, so 1 image is loaded repeatedly from 1000's of lines, saving file size immensely.

Sorry for the musing, starbucks 2x shot, first of the day...

The art i s a great touch. 

If I put together an illustration of undead, vampire, ghost, and monster creatures, you'll be the first i contact with it, ya.

As a player of visual Novels,

I was surprised by the amount of fun I had

doing the "Choose your own adventure" style of gaming

in text based narratives.

Of Course, there are never enough games where you play the villain.

If you too are tired of 9 out ever 10 undead games being called

"Crush the dead" or "Kill the Evil Wizard", consider giving this title a try.

In some ways being able to see ahead by "Knowing the strength " of enemy kingdoms, them being all listed at an even 20, takes away from the mystery and replayablility. Possibly if you rolled a 5d4 for each kingdom and kept the values hidden (Or simply listed Tough, sturdy, faltering, weak, and Feeble)

In addition, the actions generating hostility could also detract from kingdom strenght. If you had a script where you add up all hostility numbers towards a race, say 5 cumulitive points, leading to a 5% chance every non-scripted action for them to randomly loose a kingdom health point.

I know, the coding is tricky.

Ive been using deep ai for developing basic codes myself while learning software engineering...

I had to learn how to add and edit my collection page solely because of this little title. Making it a browser game ensures it is quick and easy to launch, with zero downside  to trying out. I sincerely hope you can add some new abilities and a shiny pixel art UI to get a steam release soon. 

May your imagination lead to barrelfulls of your nations currency.

It appears to have been made by a single, creative person.

While it could definetly benefit from some polishing on the tokens, cards, and enemies.

The basic premise and idea is all there.

Most importantly, this game is fun.

That same timeless sort of fun like old sonic and zelda games.

I think adding a donate option may surprise you.

Unless of course you entered it into a JAM.

For example the "Mental Health Jam" is for games release from now until October i believe, and requires a made game that isn't a commercial release, to qualify.

Just wondering if that is what you are going for.

I've been working on a collection of drawn Tarot deck cards and i will take a look into making several cards with images, which i hope you may consider using. Assuming you can edit the title and text into the design.


tHIS IS just the kind of creativity renpy and 

asset collections on sites like itch are made for...

I have made a few sound, character, and ambient track packs on itch.

I have the opposite issue, where i enjoy working with sounds and character art,

but i lack the time and story to put them together.

Feel free to check my page, in particular the characters/avatars pack,

i will gladly allow you free downloads of anything not free,

on the condition if you use them in a project, you make lots and lots of money.

Perhaps with a small slice for old Delusion Drive here :)

Ill download this project and take a look,

but honestly since ive been collecting and posting assets, making demo videos, and designing Pixel art characters, i havent played a single game...

or watched a show, or movie, etc...

But yeah, if you have a few characters you like, i will consider making a pack around them, or creating similar characters, specially for your thing...

That way youll own it, you know...

One things i wondered about, 

I find files I appreciate, but dont necessarily have a use for at the moment.

In cases like that i would gladly consider donating 1$ or 2.50$,

but in cases like this, it seems the minimum price is 5$.

While there are buttons to Support the Artist on the bottom,

of 1, 2 or 3$...

I 'am not sure if you know this, as i didn't at first,

but clicking the 1$ button on a 5$ file, simply changes the price to 5.99.

Or the 3$ button makes it 7.99$.

I was wondering if you would consider making a smaller price,

such as for somebody who might only need 10 or 20 tracks (1 of the four packs),

but then set the alternate price as 5$ for those who love and plan to use the whole set.

Again, I could be wrong, maybe then instead of selling 25 packs a month for 5$, you would just sell 25 packs for 2$, in which case ignore this comment completely.

(1 edit)

Hi, an immpressive collection,

As a character design, sound effect, and pixel art creator,

I too have spent many an 8 hour day sorting 

through files to make just the right collection.

Listening through dozens of sounds before saving the 

Prototype "footstep", looping "forest Rain with Thunder" file,

or "shotgun hitting a wall" sound.

It shows how much effort you've put in.

Your titles will be the 1st i will include when setting up my own game,

and you can bet i shall contribute and give full credit as soon as that occurs

(I keep my word, it will occur)

I made sure to save the archives with your studio Name :)

Also, in case others, like me sometimes, go on file collecting sprees,

i dont think it would be at all egotistic or improper to put your studio name or your own title (Like Abstraction) in the title of your archives.

Personally, i dont always have the time right away to go through all the files at once. So i have a very real fear of finding a good resource, begin using it,  only to realize nowhere in the file does it list the name and where i can go for more...

I sincerely hope there aren't people who go around looking up game files, then contacting the creators, pretending to be the image/audio artist, only to blackmail them for a payout. 

A preview of character images in varied backgrounds, with numerous characters, and in different outfits is shown in this youtube demo video.

Hey, i saw your itch post. 

Iam pleased to see you almost got to the 1/2 a GB size milestone.

Plenty of ambiance and music.

Even voice acting from the looks of things...

Iam downloading now. Ill be sure to let you know how it goes.

It will take some time (Ive been working on my own ambience/sound pack day and night and havent played anything in 2 weeks now :( )

Ill definitely support if the story and characters match my interests.

Also, Umineko, LOL. Thanks

Ohhh, also ill send you my sound pack in a day or 2. For your next title, Iam curious to see if visual novels are a possible use for it.

With that in mind ill likely have to make the Modern Combat folder an optional one, thanks to you :) Considering how few 3d FPS games are on here and all, it's probably best.

Hi, you have an impressive collection of assets.

I was curious, as under the previews there is a document link for a list of sounds. 

The file durations (10-40 seconds) indicate they are mainly sound effects. I 'am curious if there is a list naming the sounds, as they are all labeled ambience 101 - xxx - 199 in the document.

This makes me wonder whether the downloaded content would have the same naming scheme, which would require listening to and manually naming the sounds. The prospect is itself a bit daunting,  unless that is a feature of the document, with the downloaded sound files themselves having conventional labeling?

I.e. BatsChirping01, WolvesHowling01, Wolveshowling02, etc...

(1 edit)

Awh Sweet!

It means the world to hear mine and your thoughts on the lighter seemed to be in line.

It took the longest time for me to use it for the first time...

Plus... More Cigarettes, Lol - Always cool.

Also, i feel the long gilled fish is one of the most unique NPCs i have ever encountered in a game.

For my next Project ill work on a Pixel Art Characters and Sprites Asset Pack - " Dark and Bloody Edition"

As a nod to your title!

I still wonder just what exactly are blood fragments...

It reminds me of my favorite browser game, Kingdom of Loathing, where the currency is Meat.

Combining a 100 makes a meat stack, a 1000 makes a dense meat stack (A crafting item) LOL.

I just wanted to add, for you and other readers, that your title brings to mind 2 other game titles;

1. World of Fear - Lovecraftian Detective game done as a windows 95 emulated interface with pixel graphics, which make the enemies look disturbing.

2. Fear and Hunger - Due to difficulty, replay being essential, and learning curve makes future playthroughs easier. The monsters are uniquely and  disturbingly designed.

Both have a similarly well developed unique game world and have a mysterious story which is still unknown even after finishing the title, I.e. The story is what you make of it.

Thanks for all the hard work you put in.

Did you use a tool, generator with parameters, make them by hand, or run a regular icon pack through a filter (In theory some people can take existing icon files and run them through a filter program, Like Pixelme, and modify them to suit your own project)?

I appreciate making core files free and the whole collection a payed item. That a unique way to market without making 2 seperate projects and a clever way to do it!

(1 edit)

It feels finished enough...

I feel getting the living guts 2 or 3 times is a must to really beat the last bosses. I end up saving my nightshades or gunpowders for the 1st then final boss.

Plus getting the fossil always helps...

The only sortof bug i found is that the ability to spare monsters close to death should open a unique dialogue with the fossil, as sparing the fossil this way does not recruit them, even if getting to 1 health.

Also, getting the knife before finding the hanged man (before 30 skin, as after 30 the frogs sell different items), is very difficult (and pointless for future characters as it replaces good weapons). I had to do 3 unique playthroughs just to cut down the hanged man, before realizing all it did was give the item without losing health.

I was fully expecting cutting him down to give a special reward or unlock a new character or helper...

That would be cool considering just how difficult it is to cut him down...

Though, if i wanted to sound like an ass, i could mention how any knife should be enough to cut him down... I had to, sorry ...

Perhaps you could try to shoot him down too (With a chance you hit him, getting only blood fragments, and remove him for the rest of the playthrough) 

To balance the final character, perhaps she should be allowed to cut down the hanged man with her regular weapon, as she would never replace it for a knife. Also, the lighter was one of the last items i used, so perhaps it could grant a reward AND several cigarettes. Since i noticed you only really find cigarettes in the 1st half of a run and only get to use them on 1 enemy or boss (As using only 1 or two rarely helps). As such you are unlikely to have any for the 2nd half. Having a small and secret way to get a couple would help, those who actively seek them, such as by using the lighter.

I was surprised just how much fun i had. Its amazing how much entertainment one can fit within such a small file size. While the mysterious narrative leaves much to the imagination, a refreshing change from big box titles which feel they have to spoon feed every plot point to their gamers. Even after reaching the end the story is hardly any clearer.

Adding multiple characters and the moon shop give a feel similar to Fear and Hunger series. Combined with the mystery narrative and horror theme, i sincerely hope it was an influence in this game. If not, i bet anybody who enjoys this will have fun (if it can be called that) with fear and hunger.

Was that really the first comment here...

Possibly the success of the steam store...

Oh to followup.

I started it back up, surprised to find the continue button taking me to the hallway with the elevator again. Unfortunatly, the elevator only went to floor 3, which makes it seem perhaps i entered the memory of haze on the 1st floor...

Though iam 90% sure i wouldnt have made that mistake.

Entering the door on the right took me to the altar with domino.

Though i talked to domino, it continued to show memories from the first haze card...

so every sentance from domino showed 2-3 sentences of the characters discussing who found haze first, even though only the young haze and domino were on the screen. It continued going back and forth between the characters discussion and haze and young domino talking to the alter about going deeper.

It then showed the table with only hazes memory card, upon inserting, and playing the headset animation, it took haze out to the bedroom in the dark, waking up to a scream, but at this point the game was locked...

As haze would not move.

I could access the menu, quit, but not move or interact.

So then i had to start a new game.

Hi, I got this game without knowing anything about it,

and was pleasantly surprised.

The beginning scenes in the house and kitchen gave a very mild and homely feel that completely disarmed me for the later subject matter. It wasnt until finding the eye in the sink when i realized "This is gonna get pretty heavy, dood"!

I enjoyed it, playing through almost the whole thing in a single setting.

I didnt even notice the lack of a menu or save function... Though i confess a few times i was tempted to find a walkthrough, the first small, then large, but still managable, gameplay area limited backtracking somewhat. The building ended up being exactly as large as needed... Though letting you go outside in the start did make me think the scope would be larger...

The different versions of the building fixed that real quick...

THough with the style of the game, naturally, it made it very difficult to tell if a bug was encountered, unless it happened to break the game...

It is so rare to see a game like that,

so imagine my surprise when i did encounter such a bug...

Sorry to say here, iam currently afraid to open the game as iam worried it may make me restart from the beginning... Partly because i feel i shall be tempted to actually play all the way through it again, lol.

After finishing the dollhouse and finding the vial, i had trouble locating the panic room.

So i entered Hazes Memories from the upstairs altar. I was like "Aw damn" when it made me watch the scenes in foxes bedroom, then the kids bunkroom, over again.

Except when extering the hall agatha was not there.

I dont recall if i entered her room,

but iam 90% sure i tried to ride the elevator to the 7th floor, thinking she went up ahead. 

Then i found myself in the hallway near a door, with the caption "Entity Name" over it, then again s few feet left of it. Interacting with the Spot left, also labeled "Entity Name" Said something about "Interact with String... " With the options "True or False", though neither options did anything. Going right i could crawl, though the background was entirely black here, and there was nothing at the end. Going through the door put me in a hallway by lights, where going through the lights turned me into domino. There was jones right of the lights, but interacting with her did nothing, and a crawlspace after her, but you could not crawl in  this room to procede. Passing the lights turned you back into haze, though passing back and forth kept you as haze, but still didnt allow crawling.

All you could do was open the door with a tall rectangle window behind it, but it took you back to the previous empty hallway as Haze, with only the single door labeled "ENtity Name"...

Again, i was 90% sure this was part of the game, LOL,

and ill feel really dumb if youre supposed to close and restart to continue...

But I could not leave those 2 rooms...

So i had to shut down, with my only consolation that i was close to the ending...

Though watching the demo video made me realize there was still a good bit of story left...

Mainly the whole ending,

something you get a feeling for after the many CPU entries, but are still no closer to realizing...

Unless of course, haze is an amalgam of the different memories, and never existed, while you are really Demi... With the game being a dying dream, as she is herself immolated in a lab fire, only to be saved at the last moment, though remaining burned, alive, but comatose...


I guess i will see....

Hope there were no spoilers here...