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It's made in unreal and is 14GB so a browser version probably wouldn't be possible.

(2 edits)

It's 100% possible using the built in tools for Pixel Streaming and the server I already have to deliver the full experience to a couple dozen players at a time through the browser so long as they have high speed internet and with zero download time, plus there are older greybox versions of every map that use cubes for everything that I could specify in place of the final maps to make the build a couple hundred MB and then use one of the current community solutions for WebGL. 

Just time constraints unfortunately. Jam's over so no new builds for 2 weeks too.

oh that's interesting as I've never seen an unreal engine web game. If it's possible that's crazy.


Yeah Pixel Streaming is pretty cool, my day job is almost entirely writing code for a pixel streaming application. It's like Unreal's built in version of Stadia. You provide your own servers and let it mostly handle the rest, so while it's not sustainable for a huge game, totally doable to let 15-20 people try a jam game remotely at a time. 

This is their solution to not having working web export since 4.27 :P though the community has picked up the slack and made their own webGL plugins, the beauty of the engine being source available is that the community can continue to maintain and port the old WebGL plugin forward.