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Hello everyone. As stated here, I'd like to open an invitation for people to discuss Luke here, as inspired by Kingyokai's comment. I think his honesty was quite refreshing, and I'd like to instill a similar sentiment that we, the Minoh dev team, appreciate honesty when we receive feedback.

An important point I'd like to stress is that we have plans for Luke which, we believe, will be quite satisfactory in due time. So we definitely have a strong compass and believe we can pull it off, but it's important that we have a good grasp on what people think about Luke so we can navigate it well -- and recognize ahead of time if our plan needs any reconsideration.

So... What do you think of Luke? Did you like or dislike him, why? Was he fun, or did he make your experience less enjoyable? Feel free to structure your thought however you find the most appropriate.

Deleted 117 days ago

Your comment is reassuring in a way. Luke indeed is the kind of guy who hides his issues under many layers of vices, and that's something we intend on addressing on his chapters (they are optional; you can pick which guests you hang out with, you'll see this content if you choose to.)

I can say Luke is a character for whom we have some fun ideas. As you put it, "maybe get him drunk and have a candid conversation or something like that" is definitely something we can do!

Thank you for your feedback.


I don't necessarily dislike Luke that much, I'm just really uninterested in American Patriotism as a quirk/character trait. Especially in the current political climate, I just feel exhausted seeing patriots portrayed in media. I know we've only seen a short bit of both Luke and Kota, and his character has more depth already than just patriot horny bird, but it's hard to remember that with his clothes and how the UI changes for his text. At the moment I don't really have any ideas or suggestions for what to change about him, I hope other people who reply can give better feedback than I can. Great work so far though, and I can't wait to play the future builds!

Thank you for your point, Sukrin. I think this is a matter where listening to different perspectives is really important, you see, because nanoff and I aren't American. Even if we follow the news about Trump we don't get the whole picture of the day-to-day.

Do you think what you've felt towards Luke is something many other players are likely to feel?


I found Luke to be a fun and memorable character right off the bat with his hyper-sexuality and Texas/American patriotism. It was interesting to watch how he pushed the boundaries of Asterion's ideal hotel decorum, and how these ideas made all the guests around him uncomfortable. Luke is just so forward, so easy to read, such a fun stereotype, and I think this is a good thing especially if you are planning to introduce more characters and more cultures in the future.

Oh, I think you will enjoy what we have planned for Luke! Hahahaha. That's all I'll say for now...

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I was one of the people who first picked Luke for the lounge, then stopped and reloaded a save to switch because I disliked his changes to the place so much - I was willing to power through my initial impression of him until he turned the lounge into a stripclub, which was just too much for me: the first chosen reshaping of the hotel beyond restoring it (because the MC hasn't chosen, like, a theme or anything for it, unlike the Anon Quest from the pastebin where the thread picked a fancy Dubai island megastructure before guests started arriving) was something I as a person (since MC has little personality right now) would never pick or want for my main lounge of this fancy 20's era hotel for healing lost souls. It didn't feel like Luke was thinking "Hey people need a place they can cut loose to escape/get a buffer from what made you lost" but just "oh lol let's have a sexy stripclub so I can be a thirsty boi" and I as the player (and Asterion's reaction of horror suggests he thinks the same) had to suck it up and have a stripclub for our lounge now all the sudden. 

Alright, I'll admit this last bit may be a bit petty and me giving into the "protect precious minoboy" instinct too much, but also, Luke's first meeting with Asterion is also just spiteful and mean - I know he tries to laugh it off as a joke "Just messing with ya buddy", but it went past rude and crude into mean. While I actually enjoy some of his attitude and how he's a chatterbox that doesn't mind being called out for putting his foot in his mouth (because he clearly lives in the mindset of "live fast to outrun the past and feelings", which is well done and interesting), it's just a really bad first impression for the guy I already decided I was giving the lounge to, before even meeting.

So in short, I felt like I didn't have agency. All I know is that I'm picking 'Someone Fun' or 'Someone Classy', and suddenly that choice is guaranteed to be who reshapes the lounge: Both the first real redesign in the hotel is taken by a guest, and then Luke's vision is a very divisive one that he sticks you with without trying to sell it to you. Even Kota does this, but his changes are... well, both more in line with what I would want, and much more normal and tame. 

Personally, I think I'd like the ability for MC to have a little input as the lounge is being redesigned - it doesn't have to change the background image or even be brought up again, but being able to temper (or encourage, for those inclined) some of Luke's wilder choices in the moment would feel much better, and likewise for Kota's changes, even if they're more normal. 


Hello! First off, I have to thank you for such a well-structured and precise critique. Your response gave me quite a lot to think over the holidays. I won't promise you the world but I have been keeping your points in my head as I've done some edits over the last few days. In particular your points about your agency -- the team and I have discussed a few possible solutions for this.

Hopefully we will have something that addresses your points by the time build 0.3 rolls around. Again, thanks a lot!

Cheers man! I'm just one player so definitely don't promise me the world, but I wouldn't be here commenting if I didn't love this project! I think it really says something that I could be so invested into the game that Luke came on so strong and got me to switch to Kota. I look forward to seeing 0.3 and every build after that.

And though I feel like I'm being harsh on Luke, but that's because I think there's an awesome, fun, and unique character there, he just needs a little spit-shine. I look forward to what does him. Oh and what you do with him. 

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Sorry in advance if this comes a bit incoherent and overstretched, I tried to structure and edit it as best as I could.

I'm one of "I originally picked Luke, but I went back and chose Kota" people myself. According to survey, about 18% of respondents have done the same. The reason I think, is that choice and it's consequences are very vague. It worded "Whom do you want to bring to the Hotel? Some athletic and fun or someone thick and classy?". On this wording alone I probably expected someone more like hip gym teacher cracking dad jokes. And yeah, Luke is not everyone's idea of "fun", so I personally felt, that he's a bit mislabeled (more like sad, considering his introductory episode). But that is totally okay and don't really need a change, the real issue here is that, when you pick whether to bring to the Hotel either Luke, or Kote, the characters themselves are not yet introduced and the game doesn't really telegraph well, that this choice will affect who is in charge of lounge. So the players pick blindly and there is no real way to alter this choice other than reload. As I see, it can be fixed in two ways. First, easier one, as it brings minimal change to the script: both Luke and Kota could be introduced before MC makes the choice of whom they want to bring into the Hotel. Problem here is that will create a narrative blob, because both of character introductory episodes will be played one after another. I don't mind, but it will make plot a bit disconnected and it may fatigue players, especially those, who don't really care for guests. The second option: leave choice of bringing first guest as it is, but when the guest request to work at lounge add an additional choice on whether hire them on the spot, or refuse them saying something like "I' need some time to think about it", which prompts another choice when the second guest arrives, whether give lounge to Luke of Kota. The problem here is that this will require writing of additional scenes and four game states instead of two (two when second guest arrives and lounge is furnished, and two more when second guest arrives and lounge is unfurnished). But i think it is the better option, because players wouldn't feel as if they lack control over situation and the Hotel renovation.

Now, about Luke himself. I don't hate him... but not really a fan of him either. He is coming on very strong, which is absolutely not a bad thing, but it is bound to create more polarized opinions on him, especially in comparison and in contrast to mild-mannered Kota.  It doesn't really help, as RockJock posted above (and I mostly agree with everything in their comment), that when Luke first arrives in the Hotel, well... basically bullies Asterion (I know it's a cheap pun), which makes mother-bird instincts kick-in, at least for me and many other players, I imagine. I don't mind his whole USA quirk, but this Texas-loving truck-driving gun-blazing aesthetic leans heavily into image of conservatives and right (even far-right) wing, which are historically extremely anti-lgbt+. Though it can be really fun, enjoyable, and ironic then such stereotypes are played into gay-furry VN, I can see why some people might find it off-putting (especially considering global fatigue of right politicians, especially USA ones). That being said, I don't think you need to change Luke, at least not yet. You, as writers and developers have a hindsight - you know how his character will develop and the person he someday will become. We, as player, so far been only introduces to him and glimpsed barely one facet of his personality, so our perception of Luke naturally differs. It takes time to get accustomed with a character, at least couple more updates before he can truly be judged. You say you have interesting plans for Luke and I believe you. There are a lot examples of characters, who were initially ill received, but in process grew to be adored. Who knows, maybe Luke will be one of them. But there still bound to be people, who dislike him and it's okay. Yes, it is easier to make alterations early in development, but my word of advice - for now proceed with him as you planned without any changes. Monitor player's feedback, but first let them see more sides of Luke personalty, and if their opinion is still the not the one you hope for, only than make revisions.

Best wishes for you and inspiration.


Hello CryingCroc. What I told RockJock in response to his comment applies just as well to you: thank you for putting your time and energy into writing this. When I've been putting so much time into writing for Mino my perspective can become a tad narrow, having someone reframe things really helps a lot and you did a wonderful job.

As I said to RockJock, hopefully by the time we have build 0.3 we will have some changes to how we structured Luke's and Kota's content.

To close off, I have to say I'm just happy to know you have faith in us, and I hope to keep on giving you and everyone else reasons to continue believing.

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Thank you for your reply! I'm glad I can help even in such small way. I immensely enjoy Minotaur Hotel so far and impatiently looking forward for further updates. Hope you have as much fun writing them, as I have reading them. Wish you creative strength and inspiration, and all good things.


I'm liking the game so far, but there are a few things that I personally found off-putting... First one being Luke's Extreme patriotism (not a fan of patriotism, much less when it evolves into fanatism, which it's what feels like with Luke) as the climate is with today's politics, politicians and how people are fed-up with the right and far-right I feel like the whole package of Texan, ultra-patriotic, and extremely promiscuous is an unfortunate and quite frankly a very cringe-inducing choice, that feels shallow and empty. 

Doesn't help how he harasses Asterion or the MC for that matter, or how incredibly rude and cruel he is with Asterion , doesn't help that the choice over who gets to run the lounge comes out of the blue without any information about who we'd end-up choosing... 

Another thing I'd like to point out is that it'd be good if the text boxes background for the dialog could be slowed down to a reasonable speed it'd be better (I find that speed very distracting, causes me to lose some dialog sometimes, especially with Luke's and Asterion's) 

Other than those issues I mentioned I'm loving this VN, and can't wait for the next update! Kudos to the Dev team! :) 

Hello, PaleAngel. Just tonight we were discussing your points and -- well, it is my hope that Luke's upcoming chapters will be a remarkable experience. We want it to be quite a ride! :)

About the text boxes, I brought your point to nanoff and we will take a look at it. Thank you for putting time into writing your perspective


Hey  PaleAngel, thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback. I can see how the text scrolling can be distracting, so I just added a text scrolling option that slows down or downright turns off the scrolls on the dialogue box for the next build. I'll be adding it to the rest of the UI like the inventory and team management screens as well.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

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I didn't meant the text, I meant the text boxes background.