Oh gosh, that's such a kind compliment 😭 I was wondering if this post mortem was a little too self-indulgent, but I was like, "Agh I wrote it, might as well post it..." So I'm so glad that you found it interesting! 😭 And you've followed me since MMM!!! Gosh, I'm so touched! (And AHH a fellow Godot dev!! 🤝 I love to see others in the wild...)
And OMG I COMPLETELY KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT. It was such a strange choice, esp since Shaw, the writer of the play on which it is based, adamantly rejected the Pygmalion-Galatea pairing at the end, even though audiences clamored for it. He stated, paraphrased, that Galatea must reject Pygmalion, and only then will she truly be free - and ofc, I wholeheartedly agree with this. EDIT: Apparently there are multiple versions of the film, some where Eliza goes back to Higgins and some not - I adamantly stand by the idea that she must never go back LOL (And same, I only realized when I was reading the Metamorphoses while writing the script 😅 it did support my point rather well...)
Ahh thank you 😭 I know that aspects of what I write are ofc, highly subjective/biased, so I'm really glad that it resonated!
Thank you again for taking the time to read and comment!! ❤️