Update 10
It's coming along nicely. Since my changes are all over the place, I'll just list each one as its own section.
New Weapon Selection Screen
This new screen has the item buttons as a vertical list instead of a horizontal grid. The info and stats sections have also been combined into one. Instead of the info being given when you hover over an item button, it appears when you right click the button. Attributes on items are now colored, with positive ones being green, negative ones being red, and neutral/important ones being yellow. The new information section now has a scrollbar, which solved the issue I had of certain item descriptions having to have really small text to fit big descriptions. This menu should be a lot cleaner now.
Enemy Behavior Improvement
Soldier behavior has undergone two changes. First, they now wait until they have a clear line of sight on you before firing their weapon. This means they are less likely to shoot walls and also will not waste ammo trying to shoot you when they clearly can't hit you. Second, they can now target different things. They can target breakable objects whenever you aren't in their range. However, the player is prioritized above all other things that soldiers can shoot. Here's how a soldier script looks in the Unity inspector with the parameters being for a grunt.
Bringing Back Cosmetics
I decided to bring back player cosmetics. I originally had 14 outfits in the files back when Demo 1 was released, but didn't wanna deal with cosmetics so I scrapped them. Now, I'm bringing back the 8 best options. If I let you customize anything other than the hat, it'll not be anything more than your skin color and possibly an item worn on your back. I'm not sure if you'll get to see them in Demo 2, but they'll be there when Demo 3 comes out, or otherwise when the game is fully released.
Other Things
- You can no longer fire your weapon if it's straight up inside something (ex. a wall or enemy).
- Work is being done on the second demo level.
- Bug fixes.
I think I'll be able to get the second demo out this month like I planned. I decided I'll just use the music from the first demo for this one. At the very least, I think I'm gonna get a stream of income soon, so I'll likely spend some money so I can make better music. I figured this is a good time to have a budget since music is very important for a game. Like the first demo, Demo 2 will be a WebGL build, so no need to download anything. If I have to delay it to October, I won't delay it again.