Thank you very much for this tool, and I'm really enjoying using it to create a custom deck. As it stands this tool is enough really, but like others, I'd like to make a few suggestions/requests:
- I assume the 8 card limit is because it makes 1 print page, but could we get a "counter" mode that prints different cards front and back (or at least some way to generate new counter sheets like what we see in the prototype)
- Graphically distinct Staple and Class Staple cards, maybe with the back being the same as the front but with a large X or "Used" text overlaid on it.
- Different card dimensions. I believe the card generator is designed to generate Yu-Gi-Oh style cards (2.25"x3.25") but it would be nice to have the option to generate regular poker sized cards (2.5"x3.5") which are the same size as Pokemon and MtG cards (easier to find card sleeves/use ones we already have).
- Custom backs
- Code upload to GitHub so new features could be added by the community
As it is this tool is really great, these changes are just some smaller nice to haves.