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Double Summon Games

A member registered Jan 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Theres a channel in the discord server:

Hi Serial. The Booster Pack is an expansion that is currently in playtest and backer exclusive. We're working to get it released as soon as possible.

Right now our Discord is the hub for that, however if anyone wants to make a subreddit we wont stop them!

This is really cute! (Keep an eye out for more info as we move towards the physical release also ;)

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It's something we've been considering for some time since people in the Discord are very excited about the possibility. At the least it's likely that once everything is rolled out that we'll develop a proper open license for the game

Thanks for finding that! The quick play kit has a good few typo's that ideally well get to eventually fixing up, but we don't want to push an update through until they stack up significantly enough.

We've partnered with Japanime Games for a retail release, so we should have additional physical copies available at some point. Ofcourse right now our focus will be on backers.

Hi drlemons. The final version is out! It's linked in the description above. 

We chose not to include staples to ensure we don't confuse new players. It's easy for people to get confused about staples going in the deck by default. 

The 8 card restriction was sorely a technical one. For now we recommend saving a batch of cards and starting a new one if your making more then 8.

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Potentially. Make sure your account matches your backerkit (including case) and is verified.

Otherwise you should get an email soon with a direct attachment link, and all backers should receive a direct download link soon.

Let us know how it goes!!

Yep! It's also avaliable at our preorder store here for the next few weeks:

Im not quite sure how possible that is, but I'll look into it.

Hi Balrogwithnobrim, there is! You can check it out here: