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"So I figured I'd also switch Clown's trucks over to AJs bed, so now they don't suck as much" So those aren't your words? Hmm.. you forget really fast, sadly can't put a pic here... Anyway tho, another lying little kid... I don't deserve respect, because i don't agree with you, no problem, the AR Frames are now yours. You don't owe me resepct, I don't owe you mods.

One, I've been very clear I have no respect for you. That's why I mocked you. And yeah, I'm going to mock your mods in Discord. But I didn't bring that up here. In fact, if you understood irony, you'd know that even though I mock your mods, with me editing them, it says something else. You make decent mods, I've said that elsewhere.

But me even mocking your mods doesn't say I made anything better. I made it better for me. And again, maybe others will enjoy it. The mod is still what you created, I just made it better for me. One has to understand that me saying it's better for me, doesn't mean I make better mods than you. Again, I didn't claim to even make the mod, I only claimed to edit it. There's a major difference. 

And no, the reason you don't deserve my respect is because when someone disagrees with you, instead of being an adult, you throw a tantrum and insult them over and over again. When you have nothing else to come back with, you resort to name calling like a child. You constantly twist what people say, and when they try to explain what they mean, you insult them.

And yeah, you don't owe me mods. Didn't say you did. I could care less if you stopped modding.

totally off subject here WDM, but my spidey senses went off hearing of a Discord ..... is this your Discord? Where is the invite? 

It's AJ Deere's discord. You can find a link on his page at:

dude I have had it with FB .... I've been off the platform for years and I tried creating just a BS account but I have to wait for approval that I am not a bot. Is there another place to get the link?