Poor Annah. It's probably not a popular opinion, but I actually really like both her and Andra. I think they're both cute tbh. ♥
The bust system is custom, so it's an ongoing process to work out all the kinks. Thank you for the report!
>Also, may not be a bug, but while the other new party swap in skills are instantaneous and allowing another action with that character, Carina's Divine Intervention requires her turn to take effect
There are six party swap skills and they each have different parameters. Some are instant, some are not, but their descriptions should state that.
>I admit, I'm not sure how that works. If you grab them before Lustlord's Palace, does Ginasta join with her new abilities?
The new abilities should be gained via leveling, so it should work out either way.
Hey there! I'm now 208 hours in and am currently working on the Expansion to Rodak content and I can confirm as of 0.75.5, Ginasta indeed joins at lvl 80, I can also confirm that the character busts I'd previously noted as bugged have been fixed!
Also, I reshaped Varia in my current file, and she learned a Dominated skill from the blimp in the teleportation room?
There's also this, not really sure how to describe it:
Fuani's ear still glitches into the text box, I don't know if that related to the last bust glitch I noticed, though. And it's honestly not that noticeable:
Lastly, not a bug, but I'm kind of confused about Xestris. She's a harem member, right? Her page on the wiki hasn't been updated in a year or so, but it states she joins Simon's group but not the harem, Yarra has dialogue about her joining, she's part of the Leader category of the harem section and she has a harem title but she currently only has one scene in which she's called an NPC in the Recollection Menu.
Don't get me wrong, I love Xestris and her design is amazing and I'm absolutely grateful for all of the amazing work you're doing in this game, I just really hope there's more content planned for her, as there seems to be very little for her right now. Her scene with Nalili after being saved(kinda, she obviously didn't want to be there and Nalili swooped in and handled everyone near Xestris so they'd leave her alone) in the Empress's Orgy scene at the Second Gathering was sexy, sweet and honestly kind of romantic. That with Nalili being the one to find Xestris after she was abandoned by Xerces? I could be reading into it too much though, but hey, I ship it! ♥

I believe there's a bug where Varia's skills are flipped that's only fixed on my end.
Fuani's ear... is just a consequence of how busts are done. Worth considering.
That spell circle is actually meant to be there. There's another one above it.
Xestris is officially a member, but does not really have sexual content due to her current emotional state.
Thanks for the reply! ♥
The Varia and Fuani things make sense, thank you for clarifying!
I honesty don't remember that spell circle being that low before, but I believe you!
And with Xestris, that makes a lot of sense! I adore the character and appreciate the sensitivity of that. I hope I didn't come off as ungrateful or rude about the lack of Xestris content, and I certainly didn't mean just sexual content, I was and am hoping for more interactions between her and the others, more events, fluff and just more content in general! The character of Xestris has so much potential! ♥
Again, thank you so much for the reply! :)
It's definitely just a visual thing. I had no trouble completing the puzzle(outside of which boulder went where in the final part) and I haven't seen anything, tile or otherwise, in my playthrough yet that resembled that and even then, I honestly barely noticed it. Anyway, I hope you have a great day/night and I truly hope you're doing well! ♥
By the way, I'm now 237 hours in and great news! I found a Lilith! :D

I scooped her up from her abode as soon as the game would let me(and opened up all 17 chests for Trin). It's so satisfying equiping that Shining Sword(had a spare, think it might be Kai's) and Armor again! Even better, she's not a Chosen! ♥