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Hey there! You might have already seen my comment on the TLS 0.76.0 blogspot post, but again I'm very excited for the next public update! I'm currently 255 hours into my playthrough, finishing up Robin's quest and I'm thrilled about the news regarding the Final Optional Dungeon and harem member! I'm nowhere near ready for Final Battle, still have quite a bit of content left, but I WAS planning to hold off on the doing the Final Battle until the Final Optional Dungeon was ready lol
Thank you so much for all that you do! ♥
Hey! I hope you're doing well! :)
I'm now 246 hours in and I'm currently in Megail's Tower and I noticed that Robin's new spell Dark Lance seems to register as both a physical and elemental attack? Seed Template and Concrete Essence both take equal damage from it when Seed Template is highly resistant against physical and Concrete Essence is highly resistant against elemental. I'm not sure if this is intentional or not.
The only ntr scenes I know of are Yarra & Qum and the gathering orcs, Yarra & Qum and the ogre, Qum and the Succubus guard, dominated Varia gives a bounty target a distraction blowjob in Megail's route(reshaped Varia just knocks him unconscious before he can escape) and Nalili takes part in the Second Gathering orgy, though she primarily focuses on the Anak's second Xestris whom was uncomfortable and didn't want to be there, so Nalili comforts/protects her(and gives her gentle and consensual oral sex). The tentacles come back every now and then, though they're primarily Aka and Nalili's fetish.
It's definitely just a visual thing. I had no trouble completing the puzzle(outside of which boulder went where in the final part) and I haven't seen anything, tile or otherwise, in my playthrough yet that resembled that and even then, I honestly barely noticed it. Anyway, I hope you have a great day/night and I truly hope you're doing well! ♥
By the way, I'm now 237 hours in and great news! I found a Lilith! :D

I scooped her up from her abode as soon as the game would let me(and opened up all 17 chests for Trin). It's so satisfying equiping that Shining Sword(had a spare, think it might be Kai's) and Armor again! Even better, she's not a Chosen! ♥
Thanks for the reply! ♥
The Varia and Fuani things make sense, thank you for clarifying!
I honesty don't remember that spell circle being that low before, but I believe you!
And with Xestris, that makes a lot of sense! I adore the character and appreciate the sensitivity of that. I hope I didn't come off as ungrateful or rude about the lack of Xestris content, and I certainly didn't mean just sexual content, I was and am hoping for more interactions between her and the others, more events, fluff and just more content in general! The character of Xestris has so much potential! ♥
Again, thank you so much for the reply! :)
Hey there! I'm now 208 hours in and am currently working on the Expansion to Rodak content and I can confirm as of 0.75.5, Ginasta indeed joins at lvl 80, I can also confirm that the character busts I'd previously noted as bugged have been fixed!
Also, I reshaped Varia in my current file, and she learned a Dominated skill from the blimp in the teleportation room?
There's also this, not really sure how to describe it:
Fuani's ear still glitches into the text box, I don't know if that related to the last bust glitch I noticed, though. And it's honestly not that noticeable:
Lastly, not a bug, but I'm kind of confused about Xestris. She's a harem member, right? Her page on the wiki hasn't been updated in a year or so, but it states she joins Simon's group but not the harem, Yarra has dialogue about her joining, she's part of the Leader category of the harem section and she has a harem title but she currently only has one scene in which she's called an NPC in the Recollection Menu.
Don't get me wrong, I love Xestris and her design is amazing and I'm absolutely grateful for all of the amazing work you're doing in this game, I just really hope there's more content planned for her, as there seems to be very little for her right now. Her scene with Nalili after being saved(kinda, she obviously didn't want to be there and Nalili swooped in and handled everyone near Xestris so they'd leave her alone) in the Empress's Orgy scene at the Second Gathering was sexy, sweet and honestly kind of romantic. That with Nalili being the one to find Xestris after she was abandoned by Xerces? I could be reading into it too much though, but hey, I ship it! ♥

I've downloaded 0.75.4 and I'm really excited about it! When you've got time, can you please upload it here too? I'm in Chapter 5, completed Stineford, Eustrin, freed Eustrin, completed the unchosen(that's what Rebellion calls them, don't know if they have a canon name) hunt and completed Aka and Iris' quests and I was about to do the first part of Janine's quest and the rest of the exploration that I can currently do sans Lustlord's Tower, Hilstara's quest and the Order of Silence basement when I decided to wait until the next public update(yay!) I love the changes to Stineford and Withering Mountain(it took me longer than I'll admit to figure out how to navigate the latter) and I really like the busts showing up in dialogue! ♥
You may already be aware of this, but I've noted several character's busts glitching and (I think) I found the cause? In the new busts folder in pictures, the character busts I've observed to glitch(eleven of them) and fifteen others have a strange black box somewhere on their portrait. Fuani's is the twelfth I noted, but in her case, one of her ears is clipping through the dialogue box. Also, may not be a bug, but while the other new party swap in skills are instantaneous and allowing another action with that character, Carina's Divine Intervention requires her turn to take effect. Ooh and I love the new skills and synergy skills I tested out!(I reloaded after, gonna wait and grab them later when I have Ginasta(and maybe Lilith, don't know if any of them apply to her) as I admit, I'm not sure how that works. If you grab them before Lustlord's Palace, does Ginasta join with her new abilities? Anyway, here are the screenshots of the glitches I was talking about:
Hey! I've just started Chapter 5, now in Stineford and over 160 hours into my playthrough and I've been following the primary walkthough and Thosha's playthrough to maximize exp and to make sure I don't miss anything, if I remember correctly, Ginasta joins at LV 80, right? Of all the story and free roam stuff pre recruiting Ginasta, can/should any of it be put off so that she can get the exp too? This is my party's Lvl/exp right now:
Simon LV 77, Current Exp 1,512,938
Aka LV 74, Current Exp 1,413,862
Yarra LV 74, Current Exp 1,407,186
Qum LV 74, Curent Exp 1,376,226
Robin LV 75, Current Exp 1,443,121
Hilstara LV 74, Current Exp 1,399,303
Altina LV 73, Current Exp 1,347,316
Varia LV 72, Current Exp 1,326,413
Carina LV 74, Current Exp 1,383,997
Nalili LV 72, Current Exp 1,330,853(I rarely cheat, but I admit that I used save editor to give myself extra days in Simon's Route to level Nalili up to match the party, more or less, which felt harmless, as I had succeeded in getting the extra days(100-107) legitimately, so I thought, "eh, why not? might as get this little goober up to speed.")
Uyae LV 72, Current Exp 1,309,928
Vhala LV 74, Current Exp 1,407,088
Riala LV 76, Current Exp 1,475,777
The only segments that I missed out on exp that I'm aware off is that first enemy in the bounty hunter camp that I killed before recruiting Aka, meaning she didn't get the exp, the cement demon in Aka's route that I DID fight and beat initially, but then I had second thoughts and decided that it would probably be more beneficial to Janine to get both Thelon and Adamant on her side. Sorry elven dude who wanted to overrun the mine with demons. Another time maybe. Lastly, my Aram Front was high enough that my game automatically skipped the fourth and fifth waves of Hilstara's last stand, which yeah, meant she didn't get that extra exp, but because she wasn't injured too badly, she DID get the exp in the final battle against the Incubus Emperor, so there's that. Ooh and I'm definitely on board with saving and recruiting Altina being required, as she's definitely one of my favorites! And for those that don't like her in the possible circumstance where recruiting her is required, just ignoring her causes her to eventually leave to live with the elves in Yhilin, which hey, there are worse fates.
Anyway, I'm sorry if I'm bothering you with this, I'm probably overthinking it tbh, but thanks for all that you do! ♥
The Erosian Last Stand? It took a few turns to optimize it, but my successful run used Hilstara, Robin, Riala and Vhala, first turn, Shieldwall with Hilstara, Ice Lance with Robin and Ice with Riala on Erosian Striker and Defensive Rain with Vhala, second turn, Hold the line with Hilstara, Fire Lance with Robin and Fire with Riala on the Erosian Archer and Defensive Rain with Vhala, third turn, Hold the line with Hilstara, Lightning Lance with Robin and Lightning with Riala on the Elite Erosian Knight and Abstinence Arrow on the Erosian Reaper, fourth turn, Hold the line with Hilstara for the heal, Fire Lance with Robin and Fire with Riala on the Erosian Captain and Abstinence Arrow with Vhala on the Erosian Reaper if she is still alive, if not, the Erosian Succubus or Healer, fifth turn, Hold the line with Hilstara for the heal, Lightning Lance with Robin and Lightning with Riala on the Elite Erosian Soldier and Abstinence Arrow with Vhala on the Healer or Succubus, sixth turn if applicable, Vhala can handle the Healer or Succubus with Abstinence Arrow.
Hey! I'm now 153 hours into the game and just recently noticed that Preparation's "Consolidate economic resources" is now being registered as complete, so yay! Maybe it did that upon starting Chapter 3? Anyway, I'm now in Chapter 4, post Council of Gawnfall, about to return to Stenai! I'll be honest, I REALLY like Ginasta and am trying to stay patient with her but she DOES NOT make it easy lol
I've been able to play TLS in the past using Joiplay, but regardless of if the downloads with or without rtp, compressed or not, even with the rpgmaker plug-in and vx and vx ace rtp, every time I try to launch a new game I receive a laundry list of errors, sometimes like the above sometimes different errors, but the last error that pops up before the game crashes is always an error encouraging the player to consult the debug menu? I'd love to play TLS in its current version as I'd actually stopped intially to wait for the full game to be more or less completed(story-wise anyway), but no matter what I try, I get a laundry list of errors and the game crashes. 😔
But still, I want to congratulate you on your progress on the game! It's obvious to me and almost certainly anyone that plays it that you put a lot of hard work and love into the gamr and that its truly something special! ♥
I hope to one day be able to play the game again. I shall wait. 👍
The Kings of Cypress & Corundum maybe? They're pretty much the only important male characters I can think of that MIGHT be straight? Any other male characters, it's not clear or really relevant to the story. I think a npc near the spider queen's tower expresses minor interest in her, so impressed with her thread making skills, he was considering asking her to marry him only for Garnet to let him down easy, telling him that he wasn't her type. For female characters, I'm not sure. It's not obvious for many of the not focused on female characters, though most of the ones that receive any amount of focus are gay, bi, pan or queer in some way. Gender is also not obvious or important regarding several npcs. Nonbinary, maybe? For important heterosexual relationships, the only ones I can think of right now are Garnet's parents. Garnet's mom was highly sought after by many before her marriage and her sexuality isn't obvious. Same with the maid Gauche.
A running joke is that all of the monsters look like girls and most of those monster girls are interested in Hinoki and Co and each other, though others aren't concerned regarding the gender of the humans they're after regardless.
The main playable characters are all female, and are lesbians as far as I know. Also there is incest between certain playable princesses that are cousins. This is tagged in the content warnings.
I'm not sure about the Elemental camp, but you find out about the Dryad camp from asking around at the yurt, which you discover by asking around at the farm by the lighthouse. The Dryad camp itself is in the forest to the upper right of Castle Corundum and left of the security checkpoint. It's a leafy stalk formation in said forest.