The writing plays for tropey, lighthearted humor and I find that fun. Buggy at times though, some losses lead to a blank page, the Eye monster at the end seems almost completely devoid of discernable text when it attacks, and the back button doesn't seem to work if you decide to try escaping a fight. I didn't play before the update and went looking for a walkthrough, though the only one I saw was outdated it seems, as it mentioned a good few other endings I honestly don't know if are still in the game. And so, a walkthrough for this version would be very helpful, I kept backtracking through saves to find endings. Hoping to find a route for "Yuu," but I honestly can't tell if it either exists and I just missed some obscure flag or if she just doesn't have a route to fit the whole neglected childhood friend anime trope. Anyway, fun game, wish I knew if I had seen everything.