A lot more humor than I'm used to from these sorts of games, which admittedly turns me off to a degree, but I do find it funny. There's a lot of personality in the writing, it helps me appreciate the characters more. I'd say the smut after getting to the manor picks up a bit, and it's pretty good in isolation. As far as a tactics game part of things goes, not particularly hard, the fundamental loop of bait them in -> kill -> go to next group is all that's needed, but I appreciate the thought that goes into the map design. The chests with legitimately useful, unique rewards, little things like the torch placements in the tower map stopping over the wall cheese, or the bones actually disappearing from the map when the skeletons spawn; care clearly went into these things, and I think it's awesome. Overall, I enjoyed the game, and I'd like to see more.
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The writing plays for tropey, lighthearted humor and I find that fun. Buggy at times though, some losses lead to a blank page, the Eye monster at the end seems almost completely devoid of discernable text when it attacks, and the back button doesn't seem to work if you decide to try escaping a fight. I didn't play before the update and went looking for a walkthrough, though the only one I saw was outdated it seems, as it mentioned a good few other endings I honestly don't know if are still in the game. And so, a walkthrough for this version would be very helpful, I kept backtracking through saves to find endings. Hoping to find a route for "Yuu," but I honestly can't tell if it either exists and I just missed some obscure flag or if she just doesn't have a route to fit the whole neglected childhood friend anime trope. Anyway, fun game, wish I knew if I had seen everything.
You can simultaneously (pretend to?) be a sweet and caring person who gives great advice, and also treat the girls as playthings by fucking with their personalities and forcing their obedience. I love how I can have kinky mind control and have the surprisingly wholesome, legitimately well written character development too. All alongside a strong story that isn't just a power fantasy conquest/revenge story that would be typical with the genre. Fantastic game, I'm incredibly excited to see where this goes.