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Really? This is not a secret that Europe still has a colonial mentality? Well then, tell me which countries did Europe invade lately beside those that were first invaded by the USA under bullshit justifications until they had their ass beat as in every war they started until they begged for Europe to assist them into THEIR wars which Europe always won but never started any of them, hmm? Europe won wars started and lost by the USA and Europe is bored of wiping incompetent USA's ass who is a petulant brat who attacks everyone then has their ass beat every time until they beg for Europe to intervene to wipe their ass.

You better not be from the USA because if you are then you basically offered me your cheek to slap it hard and call you hypocrite for calling Europe's "colonial indoctrination" when everyone knows that there is not a more imperialistic indoctrinated nation in the world than the USA that everyone wants to get rid of because they want to claim the world for themselves and there is no way that the world will take shit from such a petulant brat, you are not from the USA, are you? 😼

This PLANET hasn't faced a single man made crisis that was NOT the direct responsibility of European meddling in global affairs for the past 1500 years.

Oh you REALLY better NOT be from the USA if you call out ANY other nation for "being responsible of every crisis by meddling in global affairs" when this is specifically what the USA have been doing since their very birth, meddling into other countries' business and causing every crisis that the world has known for the last 250 years because the USA are not even one thousand years old and yet they are arrogant enough to believe themselves wiser than civilizations who have experienced thousands of years of history and evolution, the USA are born from greed and violence since they are born from the genocide of the continent's native inhabitants just to steal their lands and resources like mere thugs and while there is no denying that these genocidist thugs were mostly from european origin, specifically english, they rejected their motherland because they claimed themselves superior but only after France helped them win their independence war against the British United Kingdom who was wiping them out until the losing colonists begged France for help and France intervened and defeated the BUK to allow the birth of the USA, France even made and offered the Statue of Liberty to celebrate the birth of the USA, if only France knew that the USA would be such ungrateful arrogant brats... this was a mistake to allow the birth of this nation born from greed and violence. The USA never ever even expressed any remorse for the genocide of the continent' original inhabitants, on the contrary, they still glorify this genocide with stories of heroic cow-boys who fought the evil indians even though the "heroic" cow-boys actually invaded the american native territories. Not only did the USA never ever expressed any remorse for their birth from genocide, they still keep doing it, invading any country they can to wipe their inhabitants and steal their lands and resources, the USA have always been and still are greedy thugs that the whole world hates, so you REALLY better NOT be from the USA when you call out ANY other nation of being indoctrinated by imperialism mentality if you don't want to be called an hypocrite. What do you call a nation who keeps speaking of peace while starting every war which happen in the world, hmm? 😏

If you clowns ever lost the sense of denial and delusions of grandeur, the entire continent would look like Jonestown within a week.

This is exactly what you should be telling the USA, even if I don't know what "looking like Jonestown" means.

If I had such a low intelligence as you claim, then how could I even lecture anyone about anything at all, hmm? I would say that the fact that you can't lecture anyone about anything nor even counter any of my lectures actually speaks more of your lack of intelligence than mine and you either are aware of it and keep challenging me out of masochism because you enjoy being put into your place or lack so much intelligence that you are not even smart enough to be aware of your lack of intelligence so which is it? 😼