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(1 edit)

I love this! I'm hoping to return and expound on some of my thoughts after I finish the game but right now I'm about halfway (I think) through Floor 2 and this is my favorite game of the jam so far. Even keeping in mind my bias towards nostalgic collect-a-thons, this is just an overall really fun and polished platformer. It's wild to me that this was made in only 9 days!

The way that you handled the reusing of assets was especially smart and effective. Whenever I get to a section of jumps that I've seen before it hasn't felt repetitive but actually comforting because I was familiar with the jumps and knew I could make it. Then seeing a book stashed in a corner that didn't have it last time I saw this platform pattern was a really fun aspect of the object hunt.

Great work!!!

[Update: finished all 120 books on medium difficulty, had a blast the whole time]