download if you find it hard to create a HDF file you can DL one from this link, just boot from installer ADF and reformat it. I do not have a YouTube channel anymore, traffic was so low that the maintenance of it was not worth it.
I'm sure there are tutorials on YouTube on how to install Amiga OS 3.2, after this is running check that emulator has correct config, memory CPU Network RTG ect. then install 32se 1/2 and 2/2 if you have that ;), you can add a directory to emulator and from pc/Mac side add those 2 32se lha files to that so you have a easy install point from emulator. have fun hope this helps you !
You can also start with fs-uae, get it to work and then move HDF file to win-uae and figure out the settings, fs-uae is a lot easier to use and to get it to work.
Maybe you did not run hdtoolbox and made a partition into your hdf and formatted after a reboot and then run the installer ?