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(1 edit) (+1)

Oh, wow, was not expecting that ending, that was very well executed. This is a fun game, my main issue would be the strange way the camera pans, or should I say, doesn't pan up or down until you "exit" the camera view, hope I'm explaining myself. Makes it feel like I am taking some leaps of faith dropping down some parts of the level, althought now that I think about it I don't think there are any bottomless pits in this game.

The jack'o lanterns enemies were a very fun idea I think, also, I like the way you framed this as being a "restored" old classic in the itchio page. Now that I think about it, that should have given me a clue as to what you were going for with that ending. 

Thanks for playing! people seem to love the ending so I guess I did well there

as for the camera, yeah I can see the issue it's due to how I set up the camera movement but yeah there's not bottomless pits but you can still run into enemies in some cases but I hope it didn't hinder things to much

 Jack-o-lanturns were the only enemy I designed originally so I'm glad you liked them

Glad you like the itch page too, just a fun idea with absolutely no secrets going on one bit. I would never make an arg for a jam that would be dumb.

Again thanks for playing, I'm glad you had fun and your game was pretty good too